Chapter 20

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  I woke up feeling a bit hungry, good thing that there's a soup beside my bed, I was slurping it when Yuusuke entered my room, I waved my hand and finished my soup.

"Ohayo Yuumi, I bring you some pastries." he said and I smiled looking at the cakes on the bag that he gave me.

"Such a sweet brother, ne?" I said with a closed eye smiled, he blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"No, I was just walking when I saw the new bakery, not far from here." he said and I nodded while admiring the beautiful designs of the cakes.

"They're so beautiful, shame that I need to eat them because they also look very delicious." I said and he nodded as he sat on the couch and opened the TV.

"Ah, Subaru-nii's game is being played live because it's already championship." Yuusuke said and I quickly stand up and walk beside him with the plate of cake on my hand.

"They all look so stressed." Yuusuke said and I nodded in agreement, Subaru's team will lose the game if they can't catch the score, there's an 8 points gap from the team.

"Huh? Subaru's not playing yet." Yuuske said and I came to a conclusion.

"They're not letting him play because they'll unleash him later after the second quarter, they'll let him play for the third quarter where the other teams player are exhausted, Subaru is their trump card." I said and smirked coldly as I use the fork to slice a piece of cake.

"Amazing! that's so smart of their coach." Yuuske said.

"No, it was Subaru who decided." I said and Yuusuke looked at me with confused eyes.

"He was the one who made the plan, the plan to lure the other team to their trap." I said and stand up, it became boring for me to watch, knowing that Subaru's team will win.

  I sat on my bed and opened my phone, I called Kain and it was weird that he doesn't answer it, I know him, he will always answer calls no matter who it is.

* To : Kain *

How are you? are you ok?


  He might be stressed, exams are coming fast, is he pressured? No, he can't be, he'll never be pressured, this exam is nothing for him, he can ace this without reviewing any notes.

Something's wrong.

Kain's POV

  I woke up with my hair sticking in weird directions and my arms dropped on a pillow beside me, dry tears are staining my cheeks, I can't let my mom control my relationship with Yuumiko.

I wear my glasses after rubbing my eyes, I quickly check my phone and I wasn't wrong, mom was searching for me, and Yuumiko called me an hour before.


She called me!

I press the call button and she didn't answer, what if she's having a seizure right now? her leukemia is fatal she could have a seizure anytime!

I quickly leave my bed and search for the bathroom, I was obviously looking so stupid while bathing so fast and wearing my clothes, good thing that I only live here alone.

I fetch my keys and enter my car as soon as I finished eating my breakfast.

Heading at where Yuumiko stays is the huge problem right now, I didn't knew that It was too far from my apartment, damn!

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