Chapter 3

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  It wasn't forbidden to marry a guy in such an early age if it was fixed but Fuuto just told them that we both love each other, I look like a flirt here right now.

"What!?" Hiroshi shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm her husband, now shut up and we'll go ahead." Fuuto said and snake his arm around my shoulder as he guide me outside our room.

"He's an asshole." Fuuto said and my lips make a thin line.

"Watch your words Fuuto, he's just my seatmate." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I came here to see you with another guy? what the hell Yuumi?" he said, using my nickname.

"Crap." I whispered to myself.

  I mentally face-palmed as we follow Iori to cafeteria, The cafeteria is more like a restaurant for me, I sighed as girls started to flock around us.

"That's Fuuto!"

"Omg! I'll have your children Fuuto!"

"Let's get married Fuuto!"

  They're noisy and I hope that Iori's ears is alright, Fuuto is waving his hand for his image, Fuuto look on me and we both sat on a vacant table.

"What do you want Yuumiko?" Iori ask and I hummed as the waiter handed me a menu.

Woah! they sell Italian foods here! even Korean foods and many other!

"I want some lasagna and garlic bread," I said and Fuuto nodded his head.

"Same as her, orange juice for our drinks." he added and place the menu on the table.

"Give me some pancakes and no cherries please." Iori said and the waiter nodded before leaving to get our foods.

"The school is quite large." I said and Iori nodded.

"It's because this school is one of the Royal schools, and Royal schools is really large, they give the most expensive tuitions but the food here is free, because when you pay for your tuition it's like you already pay for your food." Iori explained and Fuuto's jaw dropped.

"That's the longest sentence that you have said, ever!" he said.

"Tss." Iori hissed.

A few minutes after talking our food came but my eyes were on my books, I need to study more, I just transfered here and I need to be on the top, I need to meet my mother's expectations.


"Mommy is home!" suddenly, while talking to Kaname and Tsubaki at the living room, our mother suddenly popped out and her heels click each time she walks.

"I see, having a family conversation huh? where's Ema?" she ask and I clenched my fist.

"I'm h-here ma'am!" Ema said, being her shy self again.

"Ah! come here, I bought some dress for you!" she said and Ema secretly smirked as she gently walk in front my mother.

  My mother bought her a pink dress, it suits her and looks innocent on her but I know that behind her innocent face is an evil attitude.

"You look so beautiful darling!" mother said and I rolled my eyes, darling my ass!

"Hey, can you come with me for a second?" suddenly Subaru came and ask me.

Brothers Conflict : Fuuto's Twin Sister ✔Where stories live. Discover now