Chapter 15

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  I was resting beside Kain because I just finished my lunch, Kain gave me his handouts in school and help me reviewing them, I'm having fun with him just by reviewing the notes, it's like a bonding.

"So if you get the answer of the polygon and divided it to---"

Kain was cut off when the door suddenly opened, my eyes widens as I pull Kain closer to me.

"Hey! you look scared! why? am I too handsome to handle?" Shun ask as he enter my room, I shook my head and point the thing behind him.

My mortal enemy!

"T-There's a--- Ah!" I screamed when suddenly the cockroache flies, Omg!

"Kain! kill it!" I said while hiding under my violet comforter which I ask Masaomi to bring it here so I'll be more comfortable.

  Suddenly I heard a slapping sound and I slowly pull the comforter out of my body, Shun was laughing hard and Kain is giggling, he's so cute

Okay, for once let me say that he's handsome.

I blushed from what I was thinking when suddenly Shun hugged me, I smiled and thank God that my IV syringe is not in my hands.

"Hey! I missed you!" he said and kissed the side of my lips.

"Hey Shun! what the---"

"That's how we greet in France!" Shun said and Kain just wipe my lips.

"Still! she's your cousin for Pete's sake!" Kain said and almost push Shun on the bed.

"Dude sorry, I just missed her so bad and seeing her like this hurts me." Shun said and pull his acting skills.

"Well sadly, I need to borrow her because we need to buy some books that she want." Fuuto suddenly entered the room and I smiled before jumping on the bed to give him a big bear hug.

"But Fuuto! I just got here to give her this! her favorite bubble tea from South Korea!" Shun said and I quickly let go of Fuuto and get the bubble tea from Shun, he place me on his lap and kissed my forehead.

"Psh, I really need her right now Shun, Masa-nii let me pull her out from this hell for once." he said and Shun sighed before handing me like a ragdoll to Fuuto.

"Kain, rest for me." I said and smiled, he thought I didn't notice? those dark circles under his eyes?

I like him and I need to know everything about him.

Fuuto's POV

Yuumiko change her clothes into a cute pink sweater and gray leggings, she looks like a lollita with huge breasts, Okay! she's my twin sister!

"C'mon Yuumi, hurry up." I said impatiently and she holds my hand as we exited my car.

  Wearing my disguise as we enter the mall, Yuumiko and I eat lunch in a Italian restaurant, I just ordered some pasta and garlic bread, I don't like getting fat, I have my image to protect.

"How come Shun is here without Shin?" she ask and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I heard that Shin is busy for his studies." I said and she just nodded.

"How's Suba-nii?" she ask.

"He got into a fight with mom when he tried to defend Ema's dad." I said and she smirked coldly.

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