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While our brothers are laughing, I ask if I can talk to Kain privately, we were walking and we stopped in front the lake, Kain and I sit on the bench and I just lay my head on his shoulder.

"Do you have something in your mind?" he ask and I nodded.

"I love you, I love you so much." I said as something pinched my heart.

"I love you too." he said and kissed my lips.

a little more.

"I'm happy that you're with me right now." I said and stare in his eyes, letting myself drown in his beautiful eyes.

"I am too, I am happy to hold you in my arms like this." he said and a small tear fall from my eyes.

Let me live tonight.

"My love for you will always be rooted, deeper than any graves, I love you and I want to thank you for giving me sunshine in the darkest pits of my heart and life, Thank you for giving yourself to me, you didn't just give me the stars, the moon cause you give me the sunshine and that is you." I said and more tears fell from my eyes, I saw the worry in his eyes.

"You're making me worry, why are you being like this all of a sudden." he ask and shake my shoulder, I grab his hands and kissed them.

"I love you so much." I said and smiled.

I want to be one of the stars in the sky.

"Yuumiko..." he became silent and hugged my body.

I turn away from him as I felt some liquid dripping from my nose.

"You know what, I owe you for saving my life, I owe you so much for loving a monster like me, I owe you for making me so happy, so happy that I hated it, because being happy is being greedy, it makes me crave for you and your smile." he said and I nodded my head as I stare on the lake.

I closed my eyes before saying 'I love you' to him once more.

Kain's POV

I felt her shake in my arms and I worrily tried to wake her up, it's not a seizure because she suddenly stopped shaking and I put my fingers on her pulse, I screamed my heart out as I hugged her cold and limp body.

"Please wake up, you're only in your wonderland right? wake up my princess." I whispered and let my tears fall from my eyes.

Wake up Kain, this is the reality, she's dead.

"I don't want this." I said and cried even harder, I know that I should be walking now so I picked up her body in bridal style while tears are streaming down my face.

As I reached the picnic area, Fuuto saw me and his face darkened before snatching Yuumiko away from me.

"What happened?" Masaomi ask and I shook my head as my knees weaken, making me kneel on the dirty floor.

"I couldn't protect her." I said while letting all my tears fall.

"We need to go to the hospital." Iori said and I shook my head.

"It's already finished." I said and followed them inside the car, Fuuto's tears is scratching his beautiful face while hugging Yuumiko near his chest.

If this is not easy for me, then don't ask me about her brothers.

We reached the hospital and Yuumiko is declared dead on arrival we all cried and even their youngest brother cried.

Masaomi entered her room and I heard him mumble some words,

"You've grown quite weary, you deserve a good rest." he said and kissed her cheeks.

"I did my best as her brother right? I did good right?" Fuuto ask himself while leaning on the wall.

Kaname is comforting Iori and Yuusuke, while Ukyo is just sitting on the chair, with his glasses in his hands and his hands on his face. You can say that everyone is crying.

I shook my head and left them. I also need to comfort myself, I need to give them a break, I need to let myself rest before her burial.


Everyone is wearing black and some is wearing white, that is what a burial looks like right? Wataru is eating cookies while Masaomi looks so sad, I sighed before wiping another tear on my face.

"I know this girl since childhood, she can kick anyone's asses and her brain can function day and night, give her any problem and she'll give you the solution, a smile, That's my twin! that's Yuumiko Asahina! she lived her life and enjoyed it but I still wished that I can protect her from that fucking cancer! Yuumiko will always live in mine and my brothers heart." Fuuto ended his speech before smiling and handing me the microphone.

"Hello, I just want to say that I'm proud to be Yuumiko's lover." I said and chuckled.

"I know that something starts and it always end in a bittersweet ending, and Yuumiko's ending isn't just like that, it was a beautiful ending, because she ends it with an I love you and starts it with a smile. Yuumiko is someone that can tell if a person is sad or happy, she's someone that can be your moon and sunshine at the same time. Loving Yuumiko is like a summer breeze, warm and gentle, Yuumiko Asahina will forever stay in my heart and soul." I said and suddenly a girl with black locks hugs me as I went down the stage.

"What happened to my bestfriend? Why didn't she informed me!?" It's Mai.

"I don't know." I said and patted her head before she let's go of me.

Yuumiko Asahina, no matter where you are right now, you're still making me miss your scent, your warmth, your love and your caring attitude. You live well, please watch me to my path, because no matter how many girls reach my heart, it will always belong to you, Because I am yours to hold. Forever.





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