Chapter 13

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Yay! More drama!! The new deputy will be named in this chapter!

     It was almost moonhigh, and the elders we're gossiping about whether or not Leafstar was going to name a deputy by then.

     "It's almost moonhigh! Surely Leafstar can't wait any longer!" Quickwater hissed.

     "Don't worry, Quickwater. Leafstar will name the new deputy in time. Just wait." Spiderfall mewed calmly.

     "That's the problem! We can't just wait for her! Has she even picked the new deputy yet?" Quickwater retorted, claws unsheathing.

     "Calm down, Quickwater." Lightningfoot rested his tail on his denmate's shoulder. "Spiderfall is right. Just wait for Leafstar. She will name the deputy by moonhigh. She is a loyal cat who wouldn't defy the warriors code." He rasped. Quickwater glances at I'm uncertainly, then huffed.

     "Fine." The black and gray elder sheathed her claws and closed her blue eyes to rest.
     "That's it.. just rest. I'll wake you when Leafstar calls the Clan, alright?" Lightningfoot soothed his friend.

     "When we were younger, the deputy was always chosen before moonhigh, and the warrior code was never broken," Spiderfall spat. Lightningfoot looked at him, surprised. Spiderfall had acted calm earlier, but now he was angry. "DawnClan will be mad at us! This had never happened before!" Spiderfall hissed, tail lashing. He hauled himself up from his nest and announced, "I'm going to speak with Leafstar. This just isn't right!" The frail elder headed out the entrance of the elders den, limping due to an old injury. Lightningfoot stayed in his nest, shocked.

     He shook his head slowly. "Leafstar's not going to like this.... She just lost her deputy.. they were like littermates to each other.."

Spiderfall's POV

     As I limped slowly across the clearing, those youngster warriors and puny kits chattered like starlings. Noisy, they were! Can't any cat get any peace and quiet these days? I headed straight for Leafstar's den to talk to her about the new deputy. When I reached the entrance, I heard her talking with her senior warriors about the new deputy.

     "Leafstar, we must hurry. The Clan is getting impatient." The deep voice of Tigerstripe sounded from within.

     "Don't rush her, Tigerstripe. She is still mourning." A she-cat's voice sounded. Lilypool. Redflight's mate.

     "As you should be too!" Tigerstripe growled. He wasn't mad, he was just worried and concerned for his littermate.

     Lilypool sighed. "I know, Tigerstripe... But Redflight is dead now. A new deputy must be chosen, and mourning Redflight for a moon won't help." Lilypool spoke briskly, as if irritated. I was surprised. Wouldn't she mourn her mate? When they were apprentices, Lilypool mooned over Redflight so much that I had to tell their mentors to keep them from training with each other for a moon! I sighed, air rushing through my lungs. The days when all we had to worry about was who was going to be mates with who..

     Suddenly, I heard a rasping voice. "Thank you, Lilypool. But I have decided." Who was that? The fur on my spine bristled, and I almost hissed. I was ready for an attack when I was a warrior, and I would still be ready now.

     "Of course, Leafstar," Tigerstripe mumbled. Leafstar!? That was Leafstar?? Redflight's death must have pained her a lot. But there's nothing I can do. If Leafstar has chosen, then I should head back to my den. So I padded back to my den, ignoring the questions of my Clanmates.

     "Why did you go to Leafstar's den?"

     "Did you hear them talking? Who's going to be the next deputy?"

     "Surely Leafstar will name them soon...." I sighed. Noisy as starlings, they were.

Normal POV

     "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the High Rock!" Leafstar yowled from the rock outlooking the camp. Cats poured front their dens and gathered benath her to see what was happening. "As you all know, Redflight was killed in battle." Her voice shook, but she continued. "It is almost moonhigh," she paused.

     "It is moonhigh!" Quickwater hissed.

     Leafstar continued as she hadn't heard anything. "It is my duty to appoint a new deputy. May the spirit of Redflight hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of AmethystClan will be Stormfire."

     "Stormfire.." Murmurs of his name rippled through the cats in the clearing. Stormfire's head suddenly popped up.

     "Uh. Um.. Th-thank you, Leafstar! I, uhh.. I never thought that I would be chosen as deputy. It is an honor to have been chosen, and I promise to serve you and AmethystClan to the best of my ability," Stormfire vowed. His eyes were shining with sincerity and determination.

     "I trust you to be loyal to your Clan and assist me well," Leafstar meowed. She looked at Stormfire with the gaze of an equal.

     Stormfire met her gaze. "I won't let you down, Leafstar."

     Leafstar dipped her head and Stormfire turned away to face his clanmates. The tabby she-cat's eyes glowed, but there was a hint of sadness, remembering the death of Redflight.

This is T.L here! Sorry for not updating for.. what? Three months? No, four. Oh. Wow. I didn't intend to take that long on this chapter.

Actually, I just forgot. I forgot to write, I'm sorry. It just slipped my mind. For four months. Yep. Apologies to you people who read this. I'll try my best to not forget, and update more often. One problem is that C.Z has completely given up on this series, so I'm the only one working on it now.... Well, I hope you had a good New Year's (even though it's 14 days late), and see you next time!

If there is a next time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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