Chapter 11

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It's the weekend right now, so I'm updating as much as possible. Expect more updates. Probably.

     It was a new day when the four apprentices woke up. They realized that something was going on in camp.  Weaselcloud, a new warrior, was standing by the camp entrance. Mosspaw and Graypaw were both gone from the apprentices den. Scarletpaw raced out of the den to take a look at the nursery and the warriors den. Poppyrose was still there, sleeping with Willowkit and Thornkit curled up beside her. She sighed in relief, but was still curious. She went over to the warriors den and looked inside. Only Nightfur and Sapphirebreeze were in there, but they were both sleeping. This made Scarletpaw even more uneasy. She called for her litter mates to come out. Guys, there's something wrong. Everyone's gone. Immediately, her litter mates sprang out of the apprentices den and stopped by her side.
     "Where are they?" Rubypaw mewed, scared.
     "I don't know.." Scarletpaw couldn't answer her sister's question.
     "Why don't we just go and ask Weaselcloud?" Crimsonpaw suggested coolly, not seeming to be affected by the current situation. Scarletpaw admired his courage.
     She nodded. "Sure." She led them across the clearing to Weaselcloud and tapped his shoulder with a paw. He whipped around and bared his teeth, hissing. "Who goes there!?" He stopped suddenly, recognition flaring in his eyes. "Oh, it's just you. Sorry, I thought you were an invader."
     "Invader? There's invaders!?" Scarletpaw screeched.
     "Hush!" Weaselcloud slapped a paw across her mouth, looking around cautiously. He looked back at the four littermates and spoke in a hushed voice. "Redflight was out on dawn patrol with Ripplelight, Mosspaw, and your father. They were by the border to the old Twolegplace when some rogues attacked them. They were largely outnumbered, so Redflight sent Mosspaw back to get reinforcements. Leafstar, for some reason, took all the warriors except Sapphirebreeze, Nightfur, Leaffeather, Ivytail, Splashtail and me. Leaffeather, Ivytail, and Splashtail we're hunting, and your mother and Nightfur were sleeping. She left me to gaurd the camp in case any rogues attacked camp."
     "Where are Leaffeather, Ivytail, and Splashtail now?" Rubypaw meowed worriedly.
     "They should be back soon. I saw them leaving earlier. It shouldn't take too long to catch some prey.. or maybe they went to join the battle patrol!" Weaselcloud tried to look cheerful, but the apprentices could tell that he didn't know what they were doing either. He was as worried as Rubypaw was. His tail was lashing, showing his concern and agitation.
      "Can I go to the battle?" Firepaw suddenly asked. Weaselcloud looked surprised.
     "Well, I can't just send you into battle. You're still a new apprentice.." He trailed off uneasily.
     "Just to scout. I promise. Please? I'll bring Crimsonpaw with me!"
     "Tch. I'm coming with you, you're not bringing me." Crimsonpaw muttered scathingly.
     "Right. Sorry." Firepaw quickly dipped his head in apology to his brother, then turned back to Weaselcloud. "Please? I'll stay by the side. I won't join the fight, I promise."
     Weaselcloud hesitated before answering, "Fine. You can go. But you must - and I mean MUST - stay on the side of the battle. No matter what, don't even go close. Got it?" Weaselcloud lectured in a brisk manner then stepped aside to let them pass.
     Firepaw nodded, excitement lighting his eyes. "Thank you! I promise I will! Come on, Crimsonpaw!"
     He raced away, Crimsonpaw by his side, muttering. "I don't need 'bringing'. I can go by myself just fine." As the two disappeared into the forest, Scarletpaw said through the bond, Tell us what you see, okay?
     Yep! Of course!! Firepaw mewed excitedly.
      When they reached the battlefield, there was blood and matted fur all over the bushes and fences surrounding the small clearing. Cats were yowling and hissing, class glinting in the morning sun, teeth flashing as they lunged at one another. Firepaw spotted a dark gray tabby lunging from behind at an orange tabby. Stormfire!! Firepaw thought, panicked.
     What's wrong!? Is Stormfire okay? Firepaw, reply! Scarletpaw yowled urgently.
     No! He's being attacked! Firepaw yowled. As the tabby reached Stormfire, Firepaw screeched and hissed, claws unsheathing. NOO!!!!!!!

Cliffhanger! What will happen next? Is Stormfire dead? Can Firepaw stop the rogue in time? I'm going to leave you on a cliffhanger for a day! T.L out~

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