Chapter 12

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T.L here. Hehe.. cliffhanger... I'm just going to leave it like that and skip what happens.... Haha! Just kidding. Okay, I'll actually write the story. This chapter is going to be longer than usual, just to test. If it doesn't make me tired, then expect longer chapters from now on. Hope you enjoy!

     As the tabby reached Stormfire, Firepaw schreeched and hissed, claws unsheathing. NOO!!! But Firepaw knew that he couldn't reach his father in time. Not even Crimsonpaw, with his super speed, could. Firepaw yowled, and time seemed to stop. Firepaw was racing to help his father at the cost of his life. Crimsonpaw was starting to leap over and help as well. Stormfire was about to get killed by an unknown rogue. Blood was everywhere. Fur stuck on the bushes surrounding them. Claws grazing necks. Teeth flashing in the light. Cats screeching in pain. Stormfire a millisecond away from dying. The  tabby's claws brushed Stormfire's neck and blood was drawn. The claws just started to sink deeper into the fur when a ginger flash crashed into the rogue. Redflight had put himself in the way of the rogue instead ofStormfire. He pushed the rogue away to fight him. Firepaw stopped midair, landing clumsily. He got up and raced to his father. "Stormfire! Are you okay!?"

     The orange tom had fallen over, but he got up quickly. "I'm fine, Firepaw. Don't worry about me. Wait, why re you here!? You're only an apprentice!" Firepaw started to answer, but got cut off. "Nevermind that. Go help Mosspaw!" The gray-blue apprentice was struggling against a black she-cat many times bigger than himself. "I'll help Redflight. Now go!" He hissed at his son. Firepaw raced away to help Mosspaw.

     "Mosspaw, I'll help you! I'll get the left side, you get the right!"
     Mosspaw looked startled for a second, then relieved. "Sure! Thanks!" He turned back to the black rogue, who was now backing away. The two apprentices lunged simultaneously, landing on the rogue and clawing her stomach viciously. This continued until the she-cat was covered in blood and scratches. Mosspaw stopped and looked at Firepaw. His eyes were fixed on the rogue, claws still slicing through belly fur. He hissed, blood flying from the rogue's wounds. Mosspaw gasped.
     "Firepaw! That's enough! A warrior does not need to kill to win a fight!" He dragged the younger tom off the she-cat. She scrambled away, limping through a hole in the fence. Firepaw looked at Mosspaw, his eyes blazing. Mosspaw flinched, shocked by the fire in the small apprentice's gaze. Firepaw realized that he wasn't fighting anymore and the fire died down.
     "I'm sorry Mosspaw. I- I don't know what got into me..." The flame-colored tom trailed off and looked away from his senior. Mosspaw looked at him sympathetically. "It's alright. Don't blame yourself. Come on, let's go help our clanmates, okay?" Firepaw looked up gratefully and nodded. "Sure," he meowed. Suddenly, he heard a screech. 

     "Redflight!" It was Stormfire! Firepaw turned around in time to see his father leaping to claw the gray tabby from earlier. Just as the AmethystClan deputy was falling to the ground, blood flowing from his wounds and dancing in the air. Firepaw hared over to help, but nothing could have been done. As soon as he reached his father and the deputy, Stormfire had sank his claws into the tabby's stomach, killing him instantly. His eyes were clouded with rage, his mind blurred with hatred for the rogue. At that moment, Leafstar yowled, "The rogues have been beaten! AmethystClan, stop fighting! Let them go! A true warrior does not have to kill to win a fight!" This made Stormfire flinch, snapping him out of his rage. He looked at the unmoving gray body before him. He backed away slowly. Firepaw was by his side immediately. "It wasn't your fault, Stormfire. No cat would have done any different. You were just protecting Redflight." Firepaw tried to comfort his father, but his father looked at him with empty eyes.

     "But Redflight died anyways," he whispered. Firepaw felt a stab of sympathy. He buried his nose in his father's shoulder fur, comforting him telling him that it wasn't his fault. Leafstar walked over and stopped dead. "Redflight.. is dead..? How? How could DawnClan be this cruel?! We've already lost Splashtail to this battle, and now Redflight?!"  Firepaw felt Stormfire flinch, thinking that he could have saved the deputy, but didn't, causing Leafstar more grief. 

     "This was not a battle worth fighting." The beige she-cat growled. "Let's go back to camp." She signaled for the AmethystClan warriors to follow her. Firepaw stayed with his father, slowly limping back to camp. 


      When they reached camp, Weaselcloud, who was still guarding the camp entrance, gasped. "Leafstar! You're injured! You should go see Mintfall right away!"

     "Not now. My warriors need him more than I do. I have lives to spare. They don't." The she-cat meowed briskly. Even with a scratched flank and bloody cuts, she leaped onto the High Rock to make an announcement. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the High Rock to hear my words!" Her words rang loud and clear throughout camp. The queens, elders, and the less injured warriors gathered beneath the Highledge to listen to their leader. 

     Leafstar took a deep breath. "Redflight is dead." Gasps of shock and murmurs of sadness rippled throughout the cats gathered below. Leafstar continued, "He was killed in the battle with the rogues earlier. A new deputy will be named at moonhigh. And not only is Redflight dead, but Splashtail was killed in the battle as well." She waved her tail to dismiss the clan. The cats dispersed, speaking in hushed whispers. 

     "Redflight is dead? That can't be!" 

     "Splashtail?! He was so kind and thoughtful.."

     "Splashtail!!" His mate, Lilypool yowled in grief.

     "He was such a brave warrior... we will remember him forever.." 

     "Who is going to be the new deputy now?"

     The last question left an eerie silence as no cat had any clue who the new deputy was going to be. "What if it's Ripplelight? He's a strong warrior and he has had an apprentice before." Butterfur suggested. 

     "No, I think it's going to be Ivytail," Vinefur interjected. 

     "What's going to be me?" The black and white she-cat appreared behind him. 

     "Oh! Ivytail! I didn't see you there! We were talking about who we think is going to be the next deputy." Vinefur meowed.

     "The next deputy? What happened to my brother?" Ivytail was the sister of Redflight, and shared his same courageous traits and outgoing personality. 

     "I'm sorry to say this, Ivytail, but.. Redflight was killed in battle," Butterfur murmured sympathetically.

     Ivytail's eyes widened in shock. "Redflight... dead?" She choked out. "No.. no.. this can't be... you're lying to me...." Butterfur shook her head, concern shining like tears in her amber eyes. 

     "NO!" Ivytail turned and ran out of camp. Vinefur tried to go after her, but Butterfur blocked him with a paw, shaking her head. "Let her handle this alone. She will have to learn to cope with death by herself." Vinefur struggled, but eventually went limp. "Fine."

Danng, that took a long time! 1207 words! Can you believe it?! Agh.. T.L is dying.... I've been sitting in my room writing for over an hour now... Well, it's not too tiring, so expect future chapters to be around 750-1000 words long! The only reasons why they will be shorter is 1) It's a drawing chapter, so it's a drawing of one of the characters. 2) It's a filler. 3) It's meant to be short because it has to end on a cliffhanger. 4) I'm just being lazy or I have no ideas. Also, sorry for all the kind of changes in the POV. I'm terrible at keeping it focused on one cat at a time. So if that happens, it means that T.L probably wrote it. Okee, T.L out~ (To go drink 5 gallons of water because it's fall but if feels like summer and it's blazing hot)

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