Chapter 8

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DISCLAIMER: We do not own the concept of Warriors! It belongs to Erin Hunter, the author of Warriors, as well as Survivors and Seekers!!

    Rubypaw was sitting behind the apprentices den, thinking about how Firepaw had heard the prophecy. She thought back to when she explained what she thought to her littermates, although none of them were listening. She had been right. They probably were part of the prophecy. Rage boiled inside of her again. How could they? They think they're all important and everything, but their poor sister, little Rubypaw isn't. Maybe I'll just run away, She thought, But then I wouldn't be able to see Mossp-- Her thoughts were interrupted by the very cat she was thinking about. “Mosspaw!” She exclaimed in surprise.

    “What's up?” He asked. She looked at him helplessly. She couldn't hold it in anymore, and told him how she felt about everthing.

    “Scarletpaw already had a reputation even before she became an apprentice, Crimsonpaw is cool, collected, and admirable, and Firepaw is strong and cheerful and everybody likes him!” She ranted, “And I'm just their younger sister. Poor, little Rubypaw. They always get all of the attention and it's just not fair. Do you ever feel like you're in the shadow of somebody?” She asked. Mosspaw shook his head, and Rubypaw went on, “Well of course not! You only have one sibling and you get along really well. And you're the deputy's son, so you're special. But I have three siblings! And I just have to be the youngest, so cats always notice them first, and then me. It's like they're all greater than me, but they're not! I'm sorry about taking this all out on you, but please, just listen.” She told him everything. The prophecy, their powers, and even that she might have to leave. He absorbed it all, and calmly listened to her.

    When she was done, he looked up at her. Mosspaw purred and his green eyes sparkled with amusement, and...something else that Rubypaw couldn't identify. He said, “You really think I'm going to believe you, Rubypaw?” Rubypaw’s eyes widened, and he continued, “I mean, I believe the part about your siblings because sometimes, I feel that way as well. But the powers? And the prophecy? Are you sure you aren't making things up?” His whiskers twitched with amusement when he said that.

    Rubypaw looked at him in disbelief. She forced out a shaky purr. “Y-yeah. I must be making things up.” She meowed quietly.. Even Mosspaw wouldn't believe her. It was like her world was falling apart. But then, she noticed something. Mosspaw had sighed, and it sounded like he was relieved. What was that for? Something ignited in her mind. The look in his eyes earlier. It was worry. Pain. Hurt. Concern.

    But about what? Rubypaw wondered, and after a while  she asked Mosspaw, “Mosspaw. I'm telling the truth. Do you really not believe me? About the powers?” Her meow shook as she went on, “About the prophecy?” Her small mew rose as she went on even further, “Don't you even care if I leave?” Mosspaw looked at her something new in his green gaze.

    He said, “I do care. I don't want you to leave, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't making things up. I happy that you consulted in me.” He purred, and Rubypaw purred as well. They heard their mentors calling for them and ran out from the behind the apprentices den.

    “Rubypaw, Mosspaw, where were you? We were about to start battle training without you!” Mosspaw’s mentor, Ripplelight, and Amberleaf said. Rubypaw and Mosspaw looked down and replied, “Sleeping.” Ripplelight and Amberleaf sighed, but when Mosspaw and Rubypaw looked up, their whiskers were twitching.

    “Come on, slowpokes!” Amberleaf said with a teasing tone, and she and Ripplelight bounded away to the training hollow,Rubypaw and Mosspaw right on their tails.

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