Chapter 7

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DISCLAIMER: We do not own the concept of Warriors! It belongs to Erin Hunter, the author of Warriors, as well as Survivors and Seekers!!

Where am I? Scarletpaw thought as she woke up in a territory that she never seen. A white she-cat with purple eyes slipped between the trees as she approached her. “There's power in truth, just like there's power in making the right choice.” was all she said as the place started to blur. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and was surprised to find herself in her nest. Meet me, same place as yesterday. She meowed through the bond, waking her littermates up as she slithered through the bushes to the edge of the camp.

    “And that was what she said?” Crimsonpaw questioned after Scarletpaw told them about the dream about the white she-cat with purple eyes. “Yeah.” Was all Scarletpaw said.

    “I think this is craziness.” Firepaw drowsily interrupted. “Let’s just go back to sleep. Besides, Rubypaw is already asleep.” He continued, flicking his tail towards Rubypaw, who was swaying on her feet, her eyelids closed.

    After that night, Scarletpaw’s dream was always at the front of her mind. Finally, she gave up thinking about it and had the idea to tell Mintfall. As she padded up to the medicine den, she thought of ways to ask him without giving too much away. “Come in.” Was all she heard as she stopped in front of the medicine den, her mind still in chaos. She gathered her thoughts and strolled in. Mintfall was organizing his herbs, and was alone. Perfect. Scarletpaw thought as she quietly padded up to him.

    “Have you ever seen a white she-cat with purple eyes?” She asked when she was close enough. Silence.

    “Where did you see her?” Mintfall finally asked.

    “In a dream, I think.” She replied.

    “I've seen her once too, and still don't know who she is,” he replied. “Okay, I'll just ask Leafstar then.” Scarletpaw meowed, turning away to head to Leafstar’s den.

     “Wait!” Mintfall meowed. “Let me go with you.” He continued, receiving a simple nod from Scarletpaw


    “A white she-cat with purple eyes?” Leafstar asked in disbelief. “There is only one cat in history like that,” she continued, “Amethyststar. The founder of this clan, and one of the original  founders.”

    “Mintfall and I both saw her in a dream.” Scarletpaw meowed.

    “Yes, Mintfall told me about it, but didn't mention Amethyststar.” Leafstar replied, sounding deep in thought, and ending the conversation. Scarletpaw and Mintfall glanced at each other and walked out, leaving Leafstar to be alone with her thoughts.

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