|| Smooth but terribly cheesy ||

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Dear Rey,

    Since you've opened up to me in our heart-to-heart talk, I would also like to open up to you a little bit more. You see, there's this girl that I really really really like who always took my breath away every time I saw her. To my surprise she's actually coming over to my place tonight, and I think it's time for me to confess to her. But I don't know if I could pull it off so I need your help. Can I like, practice my confession to you? It's not like you're the girl that I like pfffffft she's definitely absolutely totally a different person.

Here goes my confession:

Hey, uhmm
I don't know quite how to say this, but I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life. And if you don't get that reference to my grandma Padmé, it means I love you, Rey (again, just pretend you're the girl). I've realized that I loved you since the day we've touched hands—which was just yesterday but that doesn't matter—all that matters is that I love you because you gave light to my damned life, and you still do. I love you, I really really really do.

So how was it?
Thanks for reading, I think
I can do it now. I already hired
Mr. Williams and his orchestra
to set the mood.
I hope she likes all of this.

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