Chapter 14

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Evan's P.O.V.

Its finally new years day. Nothing  much happened after Christmas. Just Ohms crew settling in and Jons crew playing around with the swords. But, everyone was either setting up by bringing out beers, helping me cook, or resting in their rooms. Brock, and Craig were helping me cook, while Brian, David, and Tyler went to the store to get more beer. Luke went with them to make sure they didnt do anything stupid.

Jonathan, Marcel, and the newbies, Ohms crew, who recently moved in, were all in the planning room, talking about ranks and such. The others were just in their rooms doing what ever.

I was pulling out 5 packs of chicken from the fridge, setting them on the counter  that had all of the seasonings and stuff wait in to be poured onto the chicken. I saw Brock and Craig leave, them both telling me that they were needed.

I nodded and let them go. A couple seconds later, Jonathan, Marcel, and Ohm and his crew came piling into the kitchen. I growled lowly, but continued cooking. "What do you want?" I growled out.

I noticed Ohm and the newbies jump a bit from my harsh question, especially since it was directed to their leader, Jonathan. Jon sighed. "These guys wanted to know who you were since they saw you when moving in, and got curious because you would always 'disappear' somewere before they can even try to find you to talk to you or you were always in the kitchen cooking. So they came to me asking who you were. So please introduce yourself and tell them your role in this gang." Jon explained.

I sighed in frustration and turned around holding a knife that I was using. I used the knife to point at myself and in directions of places and at people as I explained what I do. "My name is Evan Fong. But I prefer you newbies to call me Vanoss.

"My role here in the gang is kinda like a mother type role, but at the same time I not. I cook, clean, and make sure everyone here is okay and not fighting and make sure that they have something to do around here instead of sitting around playing videogames all the time.

"I am also a blacksmith. I can create new type of guns and swords and such in less than 3 days if there isn't any interruptions. I also help making strategies and such and go on heists. I can hack and make new technology. I am also the medic.

"Piss me off and you'll be in a coma for a month." I was about to continue until Marcel interruped me. "Please dont threaten them like you did to us the first time!" I rolled my eyes and Jon laughed. I looked back at the newbies and they looked terrified.

I chuckled a little. "Just don't try to piss me off and you'll be fine. But if you can't find me. I'm either in my room, Jons room, planning room, kitchen, or downstairs in the basements. Rarely I go into the gaming room. I also might be found in the living room or gym room. A little bout myself? I'm an Asian and part Canadian -" I get cut off. "HE ALSO CALLS HIMSLEF CANASIAN!" Craig yelled from the living room.

"FUCK OFF GIANT FOREHEAD!" I yelled back. The guys that were still here all laughed. "SHORT FUCK!" Craig yelled back, getting closer to the kitchen. "PINK GAY MAN!" I yelled back. "How bout I tell Jon to shove his dick up your ass hm? Who would be the gay fuck now?" Craig whispered, now in my face. My eyes widened and I blushed furiously. "How about I tell Tyler that you loooooovvvveee him and that you want his dick hm?" Craig was the tomato now.

A/n Kinda gets cringy from here I guess))

I smirked devilishly. "Short ass." Craig spoke, loud enough so the others can hear this time. "At least this short ass HAS A GREAT FAT ASS, BITCH!" I yelled the last part, turning around and twerking, laughing as Craig pretended to grab it. "How bout I take that ass to my room and we do some naughty naughty." Craig said playfully, wiggling his eyebrows while trying not to laugh. "You sure you'd be able to handle it? Not even Jon could go a minute with out touching it" I laughed. I looked over at the others, and saw Jon blushing furiously while shaking his head.

The New Dangerous Life (Vanlirious/H2oVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now