Chapter 18

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Evans P.O.V.

I started tying his shoes since I noticed they were untied. Jon pouted and whined, "c'mon mannnn your down on your knees i thought you were gonna give me some suckie suck" wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I chuckled and shook my head. "No. Get a hoe to do that for you." I said, a bit hurt for saying it but I rolled my eyes to cover it.

Jon laughed and shook his head. "Okay okay, back to business. What was it that you think we should do?" "A heist. All of us together. Well, other than the newbies. Though someone would have to stay here with them. As much as you trust them, I dont trust them one bit." I spoke sternly. Jon nodded. "How about David? He can handle them and not play around with actual orders." He suggested.

I nodded my head. "I'll call Lester and see if there is anything that all of us can do." Jon said, pulling out his phone and dialing Lesters number. "I'll tell the guys their roles once you inform me of the heist." I said walking out. I had my eat piece and Jon had his so we can talk through it while im gathering the guys. As I walked into the living room, I noticed everyone but 3 people where here, including the newbies.

"Oi! Wheres Brock, David and that blonde boy that wears a purple shirt?" I asked sharply. "He has a name you know!" One of the newbies, who had a mario like hat with a C on it, Chilled I believe, yelled. The guys looked between me and the newbies as they seperated from them immediately. "Do you think i care newbie?" I stated calmly. "We all have names! You can't just keep calling us newbies or describing us!" Another one yelled, 407 I think. "Yeah! Who do you think you are!? You arent anywhere near as strong as any of us and you especially arent anywhere as important as us since all you are is a maid!" Ohm yelled.

Thats when i snapped. I walked up closer to them all and punched each one that said shit and that agreed, "you listen here newbies! I keep everyone in order around here! I keep everyone alive around here! I keep them alive and from getting any major injuries on heists!

"I keep you alive by not letting you starve and I even give you weapons for your damn heists! I keep youd damn gang leader, Delirious, in check! I keep him from messing up big time! I keep him sane! I keep him from dying you fucktards!

"I do so damn much for all of you! I can easily kick you out! I have a higher postion than all of you! I am the same postion as Luke! If not a little bit higher! And I am stronger than you all think! Have you ever heard of the unidentified Killer Vanoss? Yeah. that's me. You better show some damn respect you ungrateful bastards!" I screamed.

I turn around to leave upstairs but I stop in mid step. "Craig, Tyler, Brock, Brian, David, Lui, Marcel, Luke and whoever else that was in Jons crew before the newbies came, meet me in the meeting room in 10 minutes." I say, then walk up the stairs.


I was set up and had everything ready, including the information on the heist, when the need people walked in, closing the door behind them. They walked towards the table cautiously. "Sit." I demanded. They all did so obediently. "I called you here because we have a heist, with one of us playing the boss-" "what!?" David interrupted. "You'll know if you shut the fuck up David!" Marcel yelled.

I shook my head and continued, "David, you'll be staying here watching the newbies, making sure they dont do anything while we are gone. Luke and Tyler. You two will be Delirious' and I's body guards. Delirious boss, and I'm the female boss, since they would be expecting a female. We are going in to have meeting since  it is what they had called for, with the gang we are targeting, Luke and Tyler coming with us to, "protect us."

"Lui, you'll be our get away helicopter. If the others cant get out in time, Brian will have a car ready just incase, he'll be the get away driver backup plan. Brian, if no one shows up at all, then drive away. Craig, you will hack their security systems. Marcel, you'll be the sniper. When we get in, wait ten minutes before shooting. Make sure you shoot the fatherest people first. Brian, until your role comes, you'll help marcel, you'll shoot the people in the building too.

"Tyler, Luke, while Delirious and I are in the meeting, you guys will take out the people inside too, Jon will be with me inside. Brock, you'll be attending who ever gets hurt. Does everyone understand their roles?" Everyone looked at eachother and nodded. "Good. We will go over it again in 2 days, whenever we leave. Until then, do whatever-" "The fuck we want!!"Tyler yelled, running out of the room.

I chuckled as everyone else ran out. I slowly walked out and to my room. I told everyone night as I was walking.  I took a quick shower then jumped into bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N
Sorry for taking so long. Honestly didnt want to do anything since summer had just started for me.

There might not be a chapter posted in July since some things are gonna go on during the whole month, but I'll try, and I'll try to post near the end of this month too

See yall in the next chapter!
Bye byeeeeee

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