Chapter 25

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I stayed up all night that night.

Half way through the night Bryce, Ohms medic, had requested for my help as there were wounds on some of his crew members that he had never dealt with before. So, I taught him how to deal with those wounds, as well as other wounds he will probably have to deal with.

When I came back, it was around 1 o'clock, I had left to help him around 11. I quickly rush over to Craig and check his vitals, noticing his pale complexion and irregular and slow heartbeat. I slowly back up and rest my head in my hands as I slid down the wall on the other side of the room.

Jon came into the room not long after I did. As he walked towards me, he looked over at Craig, frowning, "he won't survive, will he?" I bit back a sob as I spoke, "Tyler.. he's going to be so heart broken if he doesn't.." I breathed out. Jon quickly came over to me and gathered me in his arms resting on his lap. I rest my head against his chest and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

"Tyler will most likely want to retire after this, so we must prepare just in case." Jon whispered in my ear. I nodded my head, agreeing. "Get some sleep Evan." I shook my head in disagreement and sat up, "I can't sleep right now, I have to watch over Craig."  Right as I said that, I saw Craig twitching his arm which caused me to shoot up from Jon's lap and rush over to him.

I lean over him while placing a hand on his shoulder as a way to keep him from sitting up. I signal to Jon to turn the lights down, which he does. Craig finally opens his eyes and opened his mouth, "Wh-what ha-happened?" He croaked out. I grabbed the water from the bedside after helping him sit up, and put the glass to his lips.

As he drank the water I explained for him, "We had a gang war in our own base. You were shouldn't times and you are in critical condition. I had no idea if you would even wake up or survive the night. I still have to watch over you since even though you woke up, there is still a chance you might not survive." Craig looked at me for a moment with sad eyes before nodding and asking, "And Tyler?"

"Probably super upset and confused. He has no idea how you are right now, but Jon is currently getting him. Whenever he does come though, I will have to explain your condition to him before he can see you, alright?" Right after I spoke, I heard thundering footsteps so I walked up to the door and opened it.

I saw Tyler running around the corner so I quickly stepped out and shit the door behind me, standing in front of the door still. Once Tyler saw me, he came to a stop right in front of me."How is he? Is he okay? Can I see him? Is-" I cut him off before he can continue, and push him back slightly so he is farther away from the door.

I take a deep breath before telling him of Craig's condition. On how he is up, but the chance he might not make it through the night. On how there is no one with an O blood type. As I explained, I watched Tyler's heart break in front of me. He slowly fell to his knees, tears falling from his eyes.

I lean down before telling him, "Craig knows his condition.. and he wants to see you. Do you want to see him?" Tyler hesitantly nods. I help him up and lead him into the room. I watch as he slowly walks up to Craig, who was holding his hand out for Tyler to grab. I quickly grabbed a hair and put it beside Craig for Tyler to sit in as Tyler grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly. Tyler bent over Craig and kissed him lightly before he sat down.

I looked away to find Jon at the doorway. He looked over at Tyler and Craig before looking back to me and holding out a hand for me to take. I look at Tyler and Craig for a minute before taking Jon's hand and leaving the room, letting the two lovers have their possible last goodbye.

Jon brought me to the kitchen and sat me up on the counter. He gave me a short kiss and rested his head against my shoulder while I rested my head against the cabinet. I slowly wrapped my arms around Jon and started playing with his hair, causing him to sigh in satisfaction.

The New Dangerous Life (Vanlirious/H2oVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now