Chapter 23

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Its been a month since I told the guys about my past lover. Since then, the newbies have slowly been growning on me and I had finally let them go on a couple of heists. The guys and i have gotten a lot closer as well. Marcel hasn't told Luke about his feelings yet, although I keep pushing him to.

I was currently in the kitchen baking some brownies as a midnight snack. All the lights in the house were turned off as everyone was sleeping. I was slipping the brownies into the oven when I heard foot steps cone closer to the kitchen and a voice softly calls out, "Evan..?" I quickly close the oven door and turned around. I watch as Luke slowly comes into the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers. "Why are you up Luke?" I quietly ask as he gotten closer.

He looks up at me then down to his fingers again. "Well I could ask you the same thing..." Luke mumbled. I just stare at him. "I uh.. wanted to ask you about something that has been bothering me for some time now.." he started. "Go on." "W-well, what do you do when you want to tell someone about your feelings but just never get the chance too?" I stare at Luke for a minute. Making him shuffle around a bit before breaking out into a large smile. "Lemme guess, Marcel?" Luke stared at me with wide eyes.

He immediately looks away with a slight blush on his cheeks. "I knew it." I smiled. "How did you know?" Luke quietly asks. "Its pretty obvious." I retorted. "How about this. In the morning, when everyone is eating breakfast pull him aside. If you cant, then I'll do it for you. Does that sound good?" Luke nodded. "Thanks Evan!" I chuckled and pulled out the brownies. "No problem Luke. Now go to bed and get some sleep." "Okay mom." Luke exaggerated and walked back to his room. I quickly put the brownies on the cooling rack, and while doing so, I heard a long whine.

I look down to see Jons pit, Teddy, sitting on the floor begging for food. I roll my eyes and grab one of her doggy treats that was in a jar and quickly gave it to her. "There, now go to bed teddy!" I quietly told her, to which she obliged. I sighed quietly as i watched her walk off to were ever she hides.

My mind slowlt drifts off. As a thought comes into mind. Do I love Jon? I know I like him.. a lot. And I know I could possibly love him.. But do I? Or am I just to scared? I slowly start pacing the kitchen as quietly as I could. It makes sense as to why I'd be scared considering what happened... but... I slowly come to a stop and just sit on the kitchen counter.

I lean my head back against the cup board. But could this be different?.. there are more people willing to protect each other.. and we all live together.. so it wouldn't be hard for us to protect each other. I grab a piece of brownie and slowly eat it while I think. Besides.. I'd be the one to die if anyone here was in a life threatening situation.. I'd die for anyone in this building because they had became my family...Even the newbies... oddly enough.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone softly whispering my name. I looked up to see Jon sleepily rubbing his eyes as he creeps up to me quietly. "What are you doing up? How long have you been up for? It's currently 3:28 in the morning." I looked at him in suprise. I've been in the kitchen thinking for 3 hours. "I made a midnight snack. And I guess I had just lost track of time is all." I softly spoke as Jon laid his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around my body.

Jon squeezes my body for a moment before whispering in a raspy voice, "I woke up and I was having a hard time going to sleep and I couldn't find you in your room or anywhere else. So the kitchen was the last place i looked." I slowly and softly lifted his head up with my index finger and stare at his face as I take in the details.

The New Dangerous Life (Vanlirious/H2oVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now