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"Mummy, he said your name." said George, looking over his shoulder. I pretended not to have heard what he said and continued walking in a hope that he would give up. "Mummy," the little boy repeated. 

I stopped walking and sighed. George looked confused, and I understood him. I was slightly confused, too. 

"Rose..." I heard his voice coming from behind us. 

Slowly, I turned around and saw him standing a few meters away from us. He looked so much different than what he did almost five years ago. He was much taller now, and all his curls were gone. His hair was now short and straight, exactly like George's. 

"Can we talk? Please?" he asked. 

"No, Harry, we can't. You had your chance five years ago, and you're too late now." I replied, starting to forget that George was in our presence. 

"But Rose, I'm-" 

"You're what? You're sorry?" I said. "You know what? I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for ever thinking that you would want to be in our lives. I was stupid for thinking that, wasn't I? Of course you would rather tour the world without a single care in the world." 

"I was scared, Rose!" he said, suddenly raising his voice. "I was eighteen, and I was scared! I was scared that I wouldn't be enough for you guys! I knew I wouldn't have enough time to have a proper bond with our child because I'm always traveling! I know I was wrong, okay? Why can't you get over that?" 

"If you knew you were wrong, why did it take you almost five years to talk to me? Heck, if both of us hadn't been in there today, we would have never met again, Harry! So don't pretend like you really want to be in his life. I don't care anymore! I'm fine taking care of him by myself, so you don't have to worry!" 

I had completely forgotten George was standing beside me until I heard him crying. I immediately felt guilty and picked him up, holding him close to me. The little boy buried his head in my neck, and I could feel his tears on my shoulder. 

"It's okay, sweetheart." I whispered in his ear.

"I want to be in his life, Rose." said Harry in a much softer voice. "I'm sorry about what I did. I would have contacted you, but I thought you had an abortion. I thought you wouldn't actually raise him alone." 

"Harry, I-"

"Please, Rose. It's all I want. I don't want to be miss out on anything else from now on." he said, keeping his eyes locked to the boy in my arms. 

"Can we talk about this when he's not present, please? I don't feel comfortable talking about it when he's here." I said, and he nodded. "I can ask my sister to look after him. When are you free?" 

"Today," he replied. "I'm visiting Mum tomorrow and won't return until Thursday." 

I pulled out my phone with one arm, while trying to support George with my other. Then, I unlocked the phone and sent Clara a text. 

To Clara: Hey, would you mind looking after George for maybe an hour or so? I'll explain later

I got a reply almost instantly. 

Clara: of course! Do you want me to pick him up or are you bringing him over?

To Clara: I can bring him over

"She'll watch him, but I have to go to her house and drop him off." I said to Harry, who nodded. "You could meet me at our flat, if that's more convenient for you than walking with us." 

"Oh no, I'll be fine. I can walk," he replied. Without showing it, I was disappointed. I had hoped I would get to explain to Clara what had happened. 

"Can you walk yourself now?" I asked George. I felt him nod, so I put him down on the ground again. As we began walking, he grabbed my hand. 

Harry walked on the other side of him, not saying a word. I didn't either. George was the only one making any sound, as he was humming an unfamiliar melody. 

We finally arrived at Clara's house. Harry stayed behind on the pavement while George and I walked up to the door. The little boy rang the doorbell and only a few moments later, the door swung open to reveal Clara on the other side. 

"Hi, George!" she exclaimed, crouching down and hugging her nephew. "Rose?" 

"Um, yeah?" I replied, hoping she hadn't noticed Harry. 

"Why is Harry standing there?" she asked. Well, so she did notice him. 

"I accidentally met him at the library with George, and well, I'm sure you can imagine what's happening right now." I explained. "George doesn't know yet, though, so don't mention that Harry is his f-a-t-h-e-r." 

"Don't worry, I won't. Good luck, Rose." she said. 

"Thanks." I replied. "Bye." 


"Bye, Mummy!" exclaimed George. 

"Bye, sweetheart." I said, smiling at him and giving him a small wave. Clara closed the door after George had waved back. 

"I like his name." said Harry quietly when I approached him. "It's after your grandfather, isn't it?"

"Yes." I replied and we began walking. "I hope you understand that if you really want to be in George's life, I need you to be a hundred percent sure about it." 

"I'm sure, Rose." he replied and I nodded.

"And I assume you're prepared to get to actually know him before we can tell him you're his dad?" I asked. 


"He's never asked me about his father, Harry, and I want to break the news gently to him. I want him to feel comfortable around before he suddenly learns that he's got a dad." I explained. "It's always been just me and him, so it's going to be a big change for both me and him. And especially since he'll live with your girlfriend too when he's with you..." I said the last part quietly, but I knew he heard me.

"I understand..." he said. "When can we tell him, then?" 

"I don't know." I said. "Why were you at the library, anyways?" 

"Songwriting." he replied. "It's the only place and I go for some peace and quiet." 

"Shouldn't your own home be a quiet place, too?" 

"Tessa's always having friends over." he said. "And I'm sorry if you were a bit taken aback by seeing your son with someone who's a complete stranger to him. He just came up to me with a book in his hands and asked me if I could read for him. I asked him where his parents was, but he said his mum was doing work and he didn't want to disturb you." 

"He's a really sweet boy..." I said, smiling to myself. "I'm sure you noticed how similar to you he is?" 

"He looks exactly like me when I was his age I should have realized it the second he came up to me..." he replied. "I meant to call you, by the way... You know, that same day. I regretted everything I'd said to you-" 

"Let's just focus on what we're going to do with George, alright? He's what's important, not the past between you and me."


hope you like this! 

- m i a h.

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