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Because of Harry's announcement, the flight to California ended up being the most awkward moment of my life. I don't believe we said a single word to each other the whole time, which was probably what made it even more awkward. 

I mean, don't get me wrong. I know I should be happy that Harry's happy, but there was a part of me that wanted to lash out on him. I wanted to yell at him and tell him just how upset it made me that he's staying for Tessa, but he didn't stay for me. 

When we arrived in California, it was noon there, but we were still on London time, where it was currently eight in the evening. Luckily for us, George slept the last four hours of the flight, which made him the least jet lagged out of the three of us. 

On our first day, we didn't do much. Harry went to his Beverly Hills mansion while George and I headed to the hotel we'd booked. Afterwards, the two of us spent most of the day at the beach. I was totally exhausted after not having slept at all during the flight, but I wanted to make George's first time out of the country memorable. 

"Are we seeing Daddy tomorrow?" asked George when we were back at the hotel. It was currently nine o'clock in the evening, and the little boy was laying on the bed, struggling to fall asleep. 

"Yes," I replied, stroking his hair. "And if you go to sleep now, we can see him faster," 

"Okay, I'll sleep, Mummy," he replied. "Good night," 

"Good night, sweetheart," 

I stayed awake until I was sure George was asleep, and then I went to sleep myself. 

The following morning, I woke up before George, surprisingly. I checked what time it was, and it was seven o'clock. 

I climbed out of the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, not wanting to wake up George yet. I got ready for the day within an hour, and George still hadn't woken. But, when I exited the bathroom and closed the door, his eyes opened. 

I gave George a warm smile as I sat down beside him on the bed. He immediately grinned when he realized what day it was today. 

"Mummy, it's my birthday!" he exclaimed, sitting up on the bed. His curly hair was a big mess and stood out in every direction, but I found it adorable. 

"Yes, you're four years old today!" I said, watching him trying to sort out his messy hair situation. "Are you excited to go to Disneyland?" 

"Yes! Can we go there now?" he asked. 

"You have to get dressed first, alright?" 

George immediately jumped down from the bed and ran over to his suitcase. I chuckled to myself before walking over to him and helping him find his outfit. Afterwards, he claimed to be 'a big boy' now and insisted on dressing himself. 

As George was getting dressed, I received a text from Harry. 

From Harry: I'm on my way to your hotel now. when are you and George ready to leave?

To Harry: we'll be ready in a few minutes. George just needs to finish getting dressed

Harry texted back with an 'okay' followed by another text saying he'd text me again when he was outside the hotel. When I told George his dad was on his way, he became overly excited and completely abandoned his task of getting dressed. It took me a minute, but I managed to calm him down and help him finish getting dressed. 

A few minutes after George was dressed, I received the text from Harry saying he was outside. George began jumping around in excitement, making it an impossible task to get him with me out of the hotel. 

When I finally got him to walk with me and we walked outside, we saw Harry's car standing right by the entrance. Harry got out of the car, and George immediately smiled at the sight of his dad. 

"Daddy!" he exclaimed and ran into his arms. 

"Hey, buddy," said Harry, picking up George and holding him. "How does it feel to be four years old?" 

"It feels amazing!" exclaimed George, making both me and Harry chuckle. "Are we going to Disneyland now?" 

"Yes, we are," answered Harry, opening one of the car doors and putting George in a car seat. Meanwhile, I got into the passenger seat. 

After George was strapped in, Harry sat down in the driver seat and began driving. "Disneyland, here we come, then," 


it's not that long, but I hope you like it! :)

- m i a h.

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