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"You look nervous," I said to Harry, who was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, constantly fixing up his hair and adjusting his outfit. 

"Well, is that weird? I haven't seen your parents in five years," he replied, looking at me through the mirror. "What if they still hate me?" 

"Harry, they don't," I assured him. "I spoke with Mum on the phone yesterday and she seemed excited to see you again, and when we tell her and Dad we're having another baby, they won't have any other choice anyways. Everything's gonna be alright."

"Hope you're right," he smiled. "We'll tell them right away, right? I don't think George will be able to stay quiet long enough unless we do it quickly." 

"We'll just pour everyone a cup of coffee or tea and then we'll do it, alright? And I'm sure George is going to want to show off his cast-free arm first of all. He hasn't seen my parents after he took it off." 

"Right," he chuckled. "I'm gonna go double-check that everything's set for when our families arrive." 

"And I'll go check on George," 

While Harry headed downstairs, I headed to George's room and saw him sitting on the floor putting on socks. 

"You excited to see you grandparents and aunties?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, and I'm excited to tell them about my little brother!" he exclaimed, making me let out a silent sigh.

"George, we've been over this a hundred times now. It could be a girl," I said, sitting down next to him. "I know you want it to be a boy, but let's not call the baby neither a he nor a she until we find out, okay? In one week, we'll know for sure if it's a boy or a girl." 

"Fine..." he sighed. 

"And remember; don't say anything about the baby before Daddy and I say it's okay," I reminded him. "We have something special planned for everyone which will be much more fun if they don't know, alright?" 

"Okay, Mummy," 

Fifteen minutes later, we were all gathered. My parents and sister were the first ones to arrive, and I was glad to see that my parents treated Harry nicely. They both gave him a hug and were asking him questions about his career.

Harry's mum and sister arrived shortly after, and after everyone had greeted each other, we sat down in the living room. As Harry and I were pouring tea and coffee, George was (as predicted) showing everyone how his hand looked now that the cast was off. 

After George was finished showing off his arm, Harry and I exchanged looks to let each other know that now was the best time to announce the pregnancy.

"So, um, we actually have got you all a present each," I said as Harry ran off to get their presents. Surprisingly enough, he managed to carry them all himself without dropping any. Our families were exchanging looks with each other as Harry handed each of them their present, making sure to give them to the right people. 

"Don't open them yet," Harry said after handing them out. He sat down next to me again and pulled George into his lap. "It's crucial that you all open them at the same time." 

Clara gave me a look. A look that made me believe she knew what was about to happen. I just smiled and quickly broke eye contact with her before I'd end up giving it away. 

"Okay, you can open your presents now," I said. As everyone began opening their boxes, I grabbed Harry's hand. 

Harry's mum was the first one to see what was inside, followed by my dad. Both of them had the exact same reaction; frozen expression, then looking up at us and grinning. What we had given all of them were t-shirts, either saying auntie, grandma, or grandpa, depending on their role. 

Soon enough, everyone had opened their present and Harry and I were being tackled in hugs. Gemma was asking us constantly if we were serious and threatening to punch us if we were joking. Both our mums were crying, my dad was trying his best not to, and Clara had already put on her t-shirt.

"Oh, I can't believe it!" Anne exclaimed, wiping her tears and giving me another hug. "I'm so happy for you two!"

"Are you excited to be a big brother, Georgie?" Gemma asked her nephew, who quickly nodded back. "What do you hope it is? A boy or a girl?" 

"Boy! It has to be a boy!" 

"We're kind of struggling to get him on board with the fact that it might be a girl," Harry informed everyone. "But, we find out what we're having next week, and we'd like to have you all come over again to find out with us."

"You see, guys, masculine Harry over here wanted us to throw a gender reveal party," I said, earning a playful glare from the man sitting beside me. "What? I'm not gonna let you have them think this was my idea that I forced you into." Everyone around the table laughed. 

"No matter whose idea it was, I think I speak for us all when I say we'd be more than happy to join you in finding out the gender," my mother said, and the rest nodded in agreement. "I can't wait!" 


soo, I've decided to continue writing the story:) hope you're all enjoying this (this chapter has been in my drafts for forever, and I'm finally posting it, and I'm gonna start writing new chapters as well!)

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