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The day afterwards, after a lot of thinking, I decided to do something I never saw myself really doing. 

When George was busy playing in his room, I dialed Gemma's number nervously. She picked up after a few rings and answered in her usual cheerful voice. 

"Hey!" she said. 

"Hey, Gem," I replied. "Listen, I need to ask you a favor, if that's alright." 

"Of course. Anything," 

"I'll assume you have Tessa's number, right?" I asked. 

"Yes, I do. Why?" 

"Could I get it? I know it sounds weird that I want her number, but I just really want to speak to her," 

"Sure, I'll text it to you right away," she replied. 

"Thank you so much," I said. "I'll talk to you later, alright? George's been talking about you lately, and I think he really wants to see you again." 

"Aw, tell him I miss him very much and can't wait to see him! But yeah, we'll talk later. Bye,"


After hanging up, I waited for about a minute before I received Tessa's number from Gemma. Hesitantly, I dialed the number I was given and pressed the phone to my ear. 

"Hello, who's this?" Tessa said after answering. 

"Hey, Tessa. Um, it's Rose Gardner, if you remember me," I replied. 

"Oh, yes, hi," 

"I'm sorry if this is really weird, but I was just wondering if we could meet up somewhere? I just hoped we could have a little chat," I said. 

"Yeah, sure. Where?" she asked. 

"There's a coffee shop a few blocks down from my place. I can text you the address," I replied. "I'll be brining George, by the way. I don't really have anyone to babysit him." 

"I don't mind. I'll see you soon, then." 

"Yeah, see you." 

I tossed my phone down on the sofa before I went and got George from his room. Then we put on our shoes, light jackets, and headed outside. George was, as always, singing as we walked down the street. 

When we entered the coffee shop, Tessa was already sitting at a table, scrolling on her phone. George instantly ran over to her and greeted her with a big smile and a hug. For the first time, though, I didn't feel that weird jealousy of seeing George with her. Maybe it was because she wasn't officially with Harry anymore, but I didn't think on it too much. 

"Hey, thanks for meeting us," I said as I sat down on the opposite side of her. George climbed onto the chair next to mine. "I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to you, by the way. Harry told me." 

"It sucks, but... That's just life, I guess," she said, and I could tell she was sadder than she led on. "I'll assume Harry went over to your place yesterday?" 

"Yeah, he did," I replied. "He told me you two broke up, and he seemed really sad about it. I'm not here to try and convince to get back together with Harry again. I just want you to think about it."

"Wait, you actually want me to get back together with him?" she asked, and I nodded. "Why?" 

"Because he deserves to be someone. He deserves to be with someone who can make him happy, and you make him happy," I explained. 

The waiter came and took our orders, then left. 

"That's where I think you're wrong," she said. "I don't think I'm the one who makes him happy."

"What do you mean?" 

"I've seen the way he looks at you, Rose. There's no denying it," she said. "When I found out I was pregnant, I was so happy because it meant that he might stay. Besides the baby, there was no other reason for him to stay. But when I miscarriaged, I used that as an excuse to just end things with him. Look. If you and Harry get together, I won't be mad."

"We won't," I said. "I'm actually in a relationship with a guy, but it's not exactly public yet. Harry knows, though. But, anyways, I really think you should at least tell Harry the real reason you broke up with him. He was devastated yesterday. Said you blamed him for the miscarriage." 

"Yeah, I know... I feel really bad for doing so, but I just thought it would be most affective, you know," she replied. "but you're right. I'll talk to him later. I'm really glad we talked, Rose." 

"Me too." 


so this is a really short chapter, but I hope you still like it !! 

by the way guys, I have started a new story that I will most likely post the prologue of today, and I would appreciate it if you will check it out! I've already written it, so it might be out in like ten minutes or so!! 

- m i a h.

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