Life's too short.

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"Ashes to ashes,dust to dust...Luke was taken from us too soon.He will eternally missed".The priest boomed these generic hackened phrases in the churchyard, his uttered words reverberated on the nearby weather beaten gravestones.His lip quivvered like he had more to say, like the words were trying to prise themselves out of his mouth but as the coffin was lowered into the unkindly shallow grave, the priest lowered his head.Infrequent coughs and sniffles filled the air as Alya made her way to the foot of the grave.Her eyes already tear stained, mascara ran down her cheeks like rain on a window. Shakingly, she took a handful of dirt, eventually tossing it onto the rigid oaken coffin hearing the contact of the soil hitting it.It was still unbelievable to conceive,maintaining her naive optimism she still clung to the notion that Luke was going to burst out of the coffin, that he was going to embrace her in his arms; her protector.

Kate who clung on to Carla's fur black jacket, immediately looked in the direction of Rana.She couldn't even comprehend what Alya was feeling but she knew what it was like to lose someone.She had been mourning her relationship with Rana for weeks and everyday it got worse, she was like a child who kept picking at a scab, not letting it heal.After weeks of reflecting in Devon, Kate couldn't move on. Likewise, Rana's heart ached everytime she got Kate's number up on her phone.She would stare at it for hours, trying to build up the courage to ring, to declare her unwavering love for Kate but she couldn't do it.Kate deserved to move on:to be able to hold her girlfriend's hand in the street, able to share a drink in Rovers together.Rana couldn't give this to Kate however hard she wanted to, it was falliable.Consumed by misery and unhappiness, the tears that fell from Rana's eyes were not for Luke. She had outcried all her sadness for him and replaced it with anger.No, her tears were for Kate, for Zeedan, Yasmine, Alya, even Sophie to an extent whom was reaching for an unattainable trophy that was Kate's love.This position was not one that either thought they would find themselves in.Neither knew the extent of the consequences of their relationship getting out but knew too many hearts would be broken if it did.

A sudden slamming of a car door caused a simulanteous flinching of the mourners.Out stepped a young woman face undistinguishable from afar,no older than 24, her presence unwavered and made Kate feel at unease.Her approach was calm, cooly she strode up to the back of the crowd, clasping a bunch full of roses.Something about her unnerved Rana, she had recognised her from the vigil but couldn't comprehend her part in all of this.Her attire consisted of a black leather jacket, black jeans and high top black boots, overall looking like something out of an old cop movie.Instantly as she came closer, Kate recognised her face.It was a face that couldn't be forgotten.She had aged reasonably well, still possessing that cool aura that drew so many people towards her, Kate including.

After the funeral service had concluded, the Rovers doors were opened and the mourners piled in ready to toast a pint to Luke in hearty remeberance.The mysterious woman on the other hand, lagged behind seemingly tentative to enter through the doors.Straying from Carla, Kate caught Rana's gaze.In a desperate attempt of composure she tried to divert her eye's line of sight but couldn't bring herself to do so.Hurridly and without the suspicion of Zeedan, Rana grabbed Kate's arm uttering a soft " We need to speak" in her ear.Agreeing with a profuse nod, Kate allowed herself to be lead back to her flat knowing full well they would not be intruded on.This peaked the interest of the late comer of the funeral, who subtly but surely registered her suspicions and deductions about the two women.Carla on the other hand, was too busy trying to mask the pain of her kidney problems to notice but was taken off guard by the benign tap on her shoulder.A sudden smile broke out when the realisation hit her."Emily!" she gasped."You are back!It's so good to see you."
"Well, it's just for a case I've been assigned to, I won't be staying long".Emily replied."I guess that's why
you're hesitant to go in the pub then?" Carla queried."Look."She continued." I may not be a police sergeant/ detective/ probably spy like you, but I know when something's up.Why don't we go for a drink, you can catch up with all your family".Glancing over her shoulder to see Kate and Rana entering the flat in the distance, Emily nodded her head and entered the Rovers, arm linked with Carla.

Rana's soft brown eyes told a sad story.She was like a puppy dog who had a tinge of sadness after abandonment but an equal amount of happiness that Kate was now back on the cobbles."I can't stay for long." Kate said briefly.Their story was full of these uncommital phrases, every time they tried to take a step forward they were pushed two steps back.The guilt they both carried with them was overbearing,Kate did not want to upset her best friend and nor did Rana want to shatter the world her husband had dreamed up, one with a future consisting of Rana by his side.However, this is not how she wanted to live.Deep down she didn't want to be complacent in a sparkless marriage bound by duty, she wanted to stand equally with her partner, not cowering behind them.She knew that Kate would let her do that, they would travel the world: have picnics in French vineyards, ride gondalas in Rome, have picnics along the River Saine.All of it together, the thought of this connected them,enticing them.Once again pushing them closer until it was unbearable to avoid contact.Passionately, they embraced knowing full well that this may again be short lived but that life was too short to ignore their love for one another.

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