Acting out.

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"You aren't going out wearing a dress that short!"Rana's mother hollered at a turbulent, headstrong, savy seventeen year old Rana.Her father shook his head agreeingly as they watched an infuriated Rana trudge up the stairs and watched as the glasses on the table shook after the hard slam of her door.Sighing as she flung open her wardrobe to find a "suitable" and "respectful" outfit that wouldn't bring dishonour on her parents or their reputation in the community, she eventually found a red jumpsuit which she paired with a pair of black  heels.She grabbed her red lipstick which she would apply once outside the depths of her house and concealed a silver hip flask which she stuffed into her clutch bag."Happy now?!"She queried sarcastically.Her whole life up to that point had consisted on just this, making her parents happy.Her grades, whom she dated, even her friends had to be approved; she had to be the perfect daughter."No room to act out" they would drill into her head.

As Rana sat in Emily's apartment she reminisced on this memory.Ever since the disownment from her parents, she had reflected more so on her life before she met Kate.How unhappy she was, the fake smile she wore like lipstick she applied it daily.Presently, she could hear the clock hands methodically ticking, time dragged when Kate was not around.When they were together, it was like a whirlwind.Romance and love almost suffocated them as they held each other close.Never with Zeedan had she felt this, looking back she wondered whether it was again this insufferable and innate need to be the perfect daughter which drove her in the path of Zeedan.Someone whom she could show off in front of her parents, making them proud helped her live with the lie she was living.The lie which concerned who she was.Only recently had she begun to accept who she really was and that this in itself was ok.The toxicity of her parents stern outdated views which continued to persist despite an ever-changing society had dissipated from her mind.With Kate by her side she was able to get through it.

"Hiya, babe just me" Kate announced as she turned her keys in the lock."Sorry I'm late.." she continued, striding in taking off her waitress apron off in the process."Ugh.." she sighed as she slumped on the sofa next to Rana nestling her head onto Rana's shoulder.After a brief conversation about her days work and the troublesome customers she had to deal with, she leant in for a kiss.The only thing that had got her through that 8 hour shift was the idea of being with Rana at the end of it.However, as they both leant in,their lips barely touched before simultaneously their phones buzzed.Kate rolled her eyes whilst Rana shook her head and reached for the phone."Oh my God." Rana began as she looked at Kate with a face full of distain."It's Em.Its a warning.For us not to leave the flat."
"Do you think it's over Luke?Finally they have found the killer?!"Kate theorised.The couple embraced each other,scared to be prised apart before Kate got up and glanced out the window to see Emily pull over across the street.

Jumping out of her car with her partners Anisha and Jack, Emily rang Nicola."You still at the Rovers?"
"Yes."Nicola replied maintaining a calm demeanor in order not to arouse suspicion in a unconcerned Pat who had been invited to the pub by his daughter."Ok.Everything is in place.We are coming in" Emily replied over the phone."Anisha you take back road, Jack you stay out here in case he tries to make it out front.Back up will be here any minute.This is what we have been waiting for.He isn't getting away." Emily reaffirmed as she charged into the Rovers pub gun in hand, ready to arrest the malicious and callous murderer that was Pat Phelan.Greeted by terrified faces,she looked in the direction of Pat."Hands in the air Pat.Its over."The look of pure trepidation covered Phelan's face like a mask.Suddenly, he pushed past Peter knocking him to the ground as he wrestled his way out to the beer garden.Chasing him into the alleyway, Emily was determined that he was not going to get away, she knew the alleys better than anyone.There was no escape.Pausing for a second to register the lack of noise that was coming from an escapee,Emily was greeted with a metal bar which made contact with her head,knocking her to the ground.Blood streamed from her face.Her vision was compromised and in that moment a figure stood over her.At first she assumed it was Phelan but to her uttermost surprise it was Amy.Still holding on to that disgusted look on her face she had on when she left Emily to die in the car crash which left her comatosed for months.She now stood looming over her.Dragging her feet on the ground to the gate,Emily shakily rose to her feet.At this, the figure had now disappeared and in its face stood a cowering Pat.Dropping the metal bar, he was running before it could even make a clang on the floor and was quickly followed by Emily.She charged from behind him onto the street whilst onlookers including Kate and Rana whom stood in complete shock clasping onto each other's hands.Knocking him to the ground, she speedily handcuffed him as he lay beaten, face pressed against the cobbles.Prising him up to be met with crying, angry faces of the residents whom he had stolen not just money from but also the lives of loved ones.Emilys partners readily assisted in pushing Pat into the police car and off he was sped to the station immediately, followed by a bloody Emily.


Abuzz with shock and disbelief, whispers and declarations of "I knew it was him" from the likes of Tracey Barlow filled the street's air like it was their oxygen.Gasping to take in more, the residents were spreading suspicions and gossip to each other barely drawing for breath.By now the night was creeping in, darkness was looming and the stars were hiding as if afraid that Phelan would come back. Her head now stitched, a tired Emily dragged her feet as she reached for the keys to her apartment.Her body ached, covered in bruises from the scuffle with Phelan.It was painful to even lift her arm.After a long, drawn out confession finally admitted by Phelan as a result of his last attempt of power and to fuel his ego in the eyes of Emily, he was locked away waiting for trial.All this information, along with more concerning Luke and the other deceased victims was relayed onto the likes of Alya and the Nazir family along with Kate and Rana whom supported them throughout.Emily had never even anticipated she would have been so affected by the case as she had been.She had built a life.No more uncertainty, she had friends,family, a home and a girlfriend.As much as she tried to pull away she could not.She was here to stay.

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