Dance with Death.

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"You looked beautiful today you know." Kate reaffirmed to Rana as they sat down at a table.The ceremony was filled with tears of joy from spectators whom saw the happy couple: Michelle and Robert declare their love for each other and promise to 'have and hold' forever.The celebrations were now in full swing, as guests pilled into the function room most heading for either the buffet or the bar whilst Rana and Kate had found themselves a seat next to Carla, Johnny and Jenny. "Emily not
gracing us with her presence today then?" Carla enquired."Fraid not, she's still working on Luke's case" Kate replied.This had caught the attention of Alya whom was passing as she heard the news. "Has she had any more leads?"Alya asked desperately. "Do they know who did it?!" Her voice was slowly rising but after explaining that she had barely seen Emily never mind heard anything Alya once again became quiet before being manouvered away by Zeedan.Kate and Rana looked hopelessly at each other, sighing simultaneously.It was still devastating for the both of them to see Alya so torn up about what happened with Luke, like a ghost it clearly still haunted her.Suddenly, the music changed from a cheesy 80s classic to a slow ballad inciting Kate to lead Rana onto the dance floor.It didn't take much persuading from Rana who put her arms on Kate's waist as Kate had put her around Rana's shoulders.The pair touched foreheads as they swayed in time to the music, each step was in sync as if their souls were connected."I love you so much you know.I know I say it everyday, but I'm just so lucky we've got to this point you know."Kate said.
"Me too." Rana replied."I love you more than anything.Thank you Kate so much for being there, with me and all this baggage" Rana chuckled. "So are you gonna tell me the rest of the Amy story?"
"Now?"Kate asked. "Well, unless you want to explain it while Gail is singing raucously down the karaoke Mic." Rana replied."Ok."Kate agreed."It was one of the days like a wednesday or something after the school day had ended.They had secretly been going out for about 6 months, We were all now 18 in our last year of alevels and obviously Emily was still thriving in school.However, her parents were suspicious that Amy might have been leading her astray....."

"Hey, you ok?"Emily queried as she nuzzled her head on Amy's shoulder and pulled the blanket on them both.Amy didn't answer, instead she found herself reaching for a kiss from Emily.No matter what hardships she was going through, things always looked brighter when Emily was by her side.The pair embraced passionately before they heard the swinging open of a door.Standing flummoxed was Emily's parents whom had arrived home early.Both frozen to the spot, mouths were agape.Before Emily could explain, her mother clenched Amy's hair in her hand and dragged her out the door whilst her father started yelling uncontrollably.Like white noise, Emily couldn't hear anything.It was all blurred, yelling had been drowned out by the fast paced beating of her heart.She was distraught.Unhesistating, she ran for the door but was knocked back by a scowling mother shouting abuse in her face.Emily replayed that night, everyday for 3 months.Her priority was her alevels apparently, Amy hadnt spoken to her since that day.Everyday in the halls, she would drop her head and had gone back to her bulling ways."I always knew it" Kate would remind her constantly "Once a bully, always a bully."Emily did not belive this.However, if Amy truly did want to see her she would have reached out.Instead she chose to scowl at Emily, her once fair complection was pale and she had bags under her eyes, her sapphire eyes looked absent, like she was a shell of herself.After Alevels had finished, it had been revealed that to the converse of Emily whom had done unsurprisingly brilliant in all of her exams, Amy had done just the opposite.She had flunked every one of her exams which made Emily question why. Was it her parents, had they broken her? Or was it the guilt of supposedly leading Emily that got to her, the attention she seeked she was no longer receiving so she spiralled.Emily for once had no idea, but was going to find out.

Later on that night, Emily drove down in her white Audi plastered with recently passed signs.As she arrive at Amy's house she was greeted by a group of lanky teenagers sitting on Amy's porch.It was no surprise that her mother was not in because she worked night shifts and barely cared for Amy.However, the vagabonds that sat outside smoking and drinking she did not recognise.Nor did she recognise this version of Amy."What's going on?" she enquired as she tentatively approached Amy. This caused the group to get up ready to leave as if they were suspicious of new company.It was then Emily spotted white powder in lines on the wooden deck.Deduction was her superpower and so immediately she knew what the powder was.Appalled at Amy's stupidity, Emily began to make her anger vocal."Leave me alone will you?!"Amy yelled as she pushed Emily away.Spotting the car keys in Emily's hand, Amy snatched them from her grip and headed for the car."What the hell are you doing?!" Emily screamed as she swung open the passengers door due to Amy being already in the drivers seat."Get out!You are going to kill yourself." Emily warned as she sat in the seat in attempt to get closer to her" Is that such a bad thing?"Amy replied as she sped off.

Disconcerned with the speed limits, Amy zoomed down the country roads with no adherence for safety of any kind."Please.Just stop."Emily's voice was trembling and desperate.For one so brave, she now feared for not her life but Amy's she couldnt lose her."Why should I?Hmmm.This is your fault.I hate you.Ive always hated you."Amy declared.
"That's not true.Its the heroin talking.Please Ams..."
"Don't.You.Dare.You are so fake it just took me the drugs and drink to realise.You lot, you think you are better than us. You pretend like you are this perfect head girl but in reality you are so fake.Thinking everyone crushes on you!Ha how pathetic how can anyone like you?!I never, not really." At this statement from Amy, Emily sat back in the seat.Tears streamed down her cheeks, "No it's not true." She said as she unbundled her seat belt. "I know you.I trust you.
I love you." Emily said willingly as she put her hand on Amy's thigh."Well, you fell for the wrong person then didn't you?"She replied as she swerved the wheel into an oncoming lorry in front of them.......

"Oh my God!What happened"Rana exclaimed as the song came to an end."Well"Kate said as she led Rana back to the table."Emily never had her seat belt on did she, so she went face first through the windshield.Ended up on the bonnet of the car unconscious.Amy on the other hand, had a minor head injury apparently, more dazed than anything.I mean she was pretty loony anyway so that knock on the head wouldn't have even done anything.No, the spiteful cow left Emily there.She took Emily's credit card that she had saved up all her money on by endless shifts in the bistro and withdrew it all later on."
"Apparently"Carla added as she overheard the conversation concerning Emily. "When Emily spoke to me about it, she said she had this out of body experience and saw Amy leave her as she onlooked it all.Even heard her whisper Good riddance".
"Yeah.She was pretty beaten up after that.She was in a coma for 2 months.She had broken most of her ribs, needed surgery for her heart and brain...She was lucky to be alive." Kate said. "Gave her poor brother a scare.I mean imagine losing a mother and a sister to a car crash" Johnny added. "Anyways"Kate continued "She fought so hard.Most of the healing was done when she woke up.So it was just physio after that.Oh and that boy Mateo remember me telling you, he was there for her throughout that whole time.They are still good friends but she couldn't love him the way he loved her.She went to Camp America after the whole all clear from her doctors, probably to get away from her parents and well she came back a different person.The same Emily: still modest, still caring but...emotionally detached.Also a lot more piercings and a whole new style."
"So that's why she's thrown herself into work?"Rana concluded. "Because she can't bear for another injustice."
"Exactly."Kate reaffirmed."She'd danced with Death.She knows what's that's like..."
Before anyone else could weigh in, a group of drunk locals including Michelle grabbed the hands of Kate and Rana and dragged them onto the Dance floor once again.Carla shortly followed after a swig of wine and the night continued on.The pair howled with laughter as they watched Gail and Sally dance drunkenly before Rana turned to Kate and said: "I've book a room you know.Few more hours then fancy going up?"
Without hesitation, Kate agreed because if they had both learnt one thing that night it was life is too short to waste.

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