The Exes

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"I can't believe it!" Emily thundered as she slammed the apartment door closed.Needing a release of angry, she picked up the nearest thing she could find (which evidently was a porcelain mug) and threw it at the wall causing a scattering of pieces to litter the floor."Whoa, whoa whoa what's going on?!"Kate asked sternly."It's Jane.You know that lawyer I've been seeing.I...Just...can't believe she'd do such a thing.She is defending Phelan!"
"What?!" Kate and Rana yelled in unison. "Its a high profile case, she's leading the prosecution.I swear if she has had this planned from the beginning....."
"Surely not..."Rana trailed off, questioning if this was a plausible theory.Used to assuming the worst,Emily was convinced.Jane put her career first and her feelings for Emily second.Ready to throw another mug, her phone buzzed in her hand.It was JJ.Answering it, she listened as apologetic Jane begged for her forgiveness and attempted to explain why she took the case." After the phone call, Emily had reached the same conclusion she did minutes before.That it was her career that mattered more.Packing up every piece of Jane's possessions which she had left in the flat, Emily was enraged.The case she had so tirelessly worked on, was to be tainted by a woman whom she was falling for."I was going to ask her to move in..." Emily began."Tomorrow,on my birthday...I was going to ask her.I mean, how stupid.Look where love gets you eh?!"
"Emily wait."Kate softly said as she tried to stop her from rushing out."Look why don't we go tonight? Us three.Maybe ask Sophie."
"I know it's hard"Rana interjected."But you now need to treat her as any other lawyer.The trial isn't for months.You have done everything you could have possible have done.Its an open and shut case.Dont let it ruin your birthday tomorrow."Rana sympathetically argued."Ok."Emily sighed,clearly more calmer as a result of Rana's calm words."I've got some paperwork to finish off.But tomorrow how about some drinks off to town or something?"She asked as the couple agreed.After this, Emily was out of the door leaving Kate and Rana to engage in how they were going to plan Emily the best surprise party ever.


Birthdays for Emily was never something to be celebrated.Her adopted parents made it an excuse for a lavish party in which they could show off their wealth whilst Emily and Kate ran off to the local abadoned tennis courts with alcohol they had nabbed from the said party.After explaining Emily's distaste for birthdays to Rana, Kate prised open her laptop."So I've reached out to a lot of our old school friends asking if they could come.A lot of police colleagues ect ect and almost everyone can make it.Getting more replies as the minute.God imagine being so popular."
"Plus all the street has been invited so it's just a case of keeping loud mouths like Gemma away from Emily until the time comes" Rana added."We have about two hours so should be get ready and go set up I've texted her to meet us there and Adam and the likes of Peter and Carla are already there now."Kate said as she smiled with glee.

Two hours and ten minutes had passed and it seemed that Emily was late to her own surprise party.Constsntly tutting and glancing at her watch, Tracey stood impatiently holding a popper in hidden anticipation.As Emily finally entered, "SUPRISE!"was yelled as she was embraced by the likes of Adam and Kate and her old friend Mateo- now turned multimillionaire businessman.In utter disbelief, Emily had been too focused on work and the betrayal of her (now) ex girlfriend Jane to have even anticipated a surprise party.Her face turned a uncharacteristic scarlet , as the confident aura was replaced with an overwhelmed, smiling Emily.For the next hour she was greeted with gifts and adoration off old faces she was happy to catch up with, until she finally came to Mateo."Wow still pretty handsome huh?"she quipped. He chuckled looking down at the floor, flooded with feelings of affection he had buried within. "I actually would like you to meet my wife."He began."Ah,of course the illusive wife I've been dying to meet" Emily said with a grin on her face, happy to know Mateo had moved on and found love.As she reached out her hand, her smile turned to an expression of realisation.It was her ex Rose.Locking eyes they were enfixed on each other, neither wanting to look away.Even though Emily had only  began to fall for Jane,she hadn't been in love with her.Other that Amy whom was her first love, Emily had only fell hard for one other and that person was standing right in front of her."Lovely to meet you...." she said in attempt to break the silence. "You too."Rose said coyly and their hands made contact."I'm sorry..."Emily tried to digress."I'm just gonna go speak to some family.Hey enjoy yourselves.Have fun!I'll speak to you both later and Mat there is a karaoke Mic with our name on it!" Rushing off Emily was greeted with Carla, wine bottle in hand who began to hug the birthday, singing her songs of praises.

Also finding herself in a rather awkward situation, Kate was currently at the point in which she was introducing her ex Lou to Rana."Small world eh?" Kate chuckled as they bid goodbye to Lou and headed back to the bar.Unable to fathom a conversation in the midst of a music blaring party, Rana lead Kate outside."You ok?"Kate asked concerningly."Fine."Rana replied unconvincing."Hang on a minute" Kate said as she raised an eyebrow looking her girlfriend up and down."You're jealous aren't you?!"She retorted."Rana...I love you so much.There is no one ever who will catch my eye again.There is no one else on this earth who I would rather be with than you.But....Jealousy is pretty hot...maybe I should flirt with this Lou some more?"
"Don't."Rana affirmed as she pulled Kate close to her body and kissed her passionately unbuttoning Kate's shirt in the process.

As Emily danced and laughted with Carla and now Adam whom had joined them on the dance floor, her eyes were still searching for Rose.The love Rana and Kate shared, she had experienced that too once.With Rose."Can we talk?"The redhead whispered into her ear softly as she lead Emily by the hand into the staff kitchens."There isn't anything to talk about" Emily declared as she pulled her hand away as they reached the kitchen."I know you said you were married, but god, I didn't know it was to him!One of my best friends!He helped me through so much..."
"-I know and I'm sorry.I loved you so much I still do, those feeling still haven't gone away."
"But you are still with him.Not me.Him." Emily bitterly stated.
Rose stood in silent no words could rectify how she had left Emily, abandoned their relationship because of her husband.Her hand found it way to Emily's face.They yearned for the touching of each other.Emily was too lost in Rose's emerald green eyes, when suddenly she snapped out of her lucid state."Nothing can happen.You are married.Thats how it's got to be.Im not doing this again.Go back to being a trophy wife."
At this Rose's eyes started to water and a single tear fell from her eyes, she was angry with herself for letting Emily go but equally as angry at Emily for pushing her away.

After that the party continued for hours, it was like old times.As if they were transported to the days of high school at house parties where they danced and sang the night away like they had no cares in the world.Emily and Mateo's karaoke ballad paled in comparison to Kate and Rana's 'Total eclipse of the heart' in which they sang with utter most conviction.The rest of the residents had to be kicked out after the party had finished. Consequently, most drunkenly wandered onto the street."Wow never thought I'd see Carla and Tracey arm in arm.Thank you both of you."Emily said as she turned to Kate and Rana."It truly was the best birthday."

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