You throw a fit in public.

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You throw a fit in public.

Harry age 4.

Harry rarely ever took you out because he knew that you would want to get toys.

"Y/N, do you have to go to the bathroom?" He asks when you walk into the mall, you nod and he takes your hand and walks to the restrooms.

You try to drag him into the woman's but since Harry's older, well..he can't go in there.

"No love, I can't go in there." He laughs and picks you up and walks into the men's.

After finishing up your business he walks around the mall with you.

You walk past a build a bear workshop store which happens to be your favorite store.

"Hawwy can we go?" You ask and tug on his hand and point to the store. Harry sighs knowing you won't let this go so he walks into the store and you immediately run to the shelves that show all the stuffed animals you could make.

You spot a panda and 'fall in love'.

"Hawwy can I get it?" You ask and grab his hand and drag him to the stand.

"I guess." He smiles down at you and you squeal and clap your hands.

He loves making you happy, because when your happy, he's happy.

He picks you up and hovers you over the bin and you reach your arm in the bin and pull out the unstuffed panda.

You hold it to your chest and walk with Harry to the stuffing station.

The worker smiles at you and holds the pandas opening in the back to the pump and pumps the stuffing into the it bringing it to life.

You pick out a red heart and kiss it and stuff it in. After she stitched up the opening you went to pick out an outfit.

You find a 1D pajama set and you pick it out and dress it up.

Harry and you walk over to the cashier and he pays and just as you were about to leave you spot a turtle.

"Hawwy I want turtle!" You semi-yell and point to it.

"No, you just got one and you don't need another one." He says and your eyes widen.

"I want turtle!" You screech and Harry looks around before bending down and picking you up and walking out of the store.

He set you down once your an ear shot away and points a finger at you.

"You stop this right now. Be happy that you even got one today." He says sternly and you pout

"I. Want. The. Turtllllllle!!" You yell and throw the panda away from you.

"Dammit!" Harry mutters under his breath and grabs your hand and walks to the runaway toy and picks it up and walks you over to a wall.

He sits you down and stands in front of you.

"Keep your back against the wall." He says and crosses his arms still holding the toy in one of his hands.

You gasp again and start crying softly and go to crawl away from him. But he bends over and puts you back in your original position.

"Back against the wall." He says and you go to crawl between his legs a ice they were a bit spread apart but he closes them. Trapping you.

"You're not going anywhere. Back against the wall. For 4 minutes." He says and puts you back AGAIN against the wall.

People were watching somewhat in amusement but Harry didn't really care. You were being bad and you needed to be punished.

You decided it'd be best to just listen so you kept your back against the wall until the time was up.

Harry crouched down in from of you and rested his forearms on his knees and his hands dangled.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" He asks and you nod and grab his free hand with your small one.

"I'm sowwy, Hawwy." You say and he nods. He kisses your forehead and takes your hand and stands you up.

He hands you back your panda and he crouches down again and spread his arms wide and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Do you want me to carry you? Or do want to walk by yourself?" He asks and you giggle.

"Cawwy me!" You squeal and run into his arms. He carries you around for the rest of the day and for the rest of the day you behaved.

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