He finds you as a baby. DDM.

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He finds you as a baby. DDM.

Harry. New Born.

Harry's pov.

The alley way was cold and dark as I puffed out the smoke from my mouth from my cigarette. My girlfriend of a year just cheated on me and left with her other man. Bitch.

I'll never care about another girl or woman ever again. All they do is hurt me. Small cries knocked me out of my trance and my head snapped to the dumpster.

"What the hell?" I whispered to my self and got out and tossed my cig on the ground and stomped it out. I walked over to the dumpster and looked behind it and gasped.

Small baby noises came out of her mouth as she looked up at me with big bright (your eye color) eyes. I could tell that she was a girl because she is wearing a pink onesie and a pink knit beanie and was coddled in a baby pink blanket.

My eyes are wide and my lips are parted as I slowly reached down and carefully picked up the fragile baby girl.

I cradled her and a piece of paper was safety pinned to the blanket. I ripped it off and unfolded it with one hand, being very aware of the baby in my arms.

'Her name is Y/N Y/M/N. Who ever finds her, please, I beg you, take good care of her. Give her the life that she deserves, that I could never give her.' 

It wasn't signed. I crumbled it up and stuffed it in my pocket and looked down at the small human.

"Hi there." I whispered softly and the baby noises continued to come out of her mouth as she stared up at me. I put my index finger in her small hand and she gripped it tightly.

"I'll take care of you. I'll keep you safe. I'll love you like my own. Forever." I whispered to the helpless child.

~8 months later~

"Hi beautiful." I cooed with a dopey smile on my face to the small 1 year old. That night I got her I took her to the hospital to see if she was healthy and how old she was. She was 3 months old. It took two weeks for me to become her legal guardian.

She giggled and lifted her stumpy arms up towards me. I brought my arms down into her crib and lifted her up and cradled her.

She was only in her diaper when I laid her down on her back on my bed. Yes her crib is in my room. I don't know I just have this weird protectiveness over her. I remember the boys' reactions. They were shocked to say the least. Said I was too young to take care of a small baby but look at where I am today?

A year ago, if someone would have told me that I would find an abandoned baby girl and claim her as my own I would have laughed in their face.

I bent over so my upper body was hovering over her small one and I put my elbows and forearms on either side of her and held onto both of her tiny hands and smiled down at her.

She is so beautiful which says that her mother must have been beautiful as well.

"Da-" she says and my eyes widen in shock.

"Da-da-daddy." She says in a very high-pitched baby voice. My eyes fill with tears as lower my head and kiss her chubby cheek.

"Yes baby. I'm your daddy. And I love you so much."


I got this idea from an episode of CSI I watched haha. Do you guys wanna have kids? I know that's an awkward question but I wanna have a son and twin daughters. Or two girls. Hehe. 👬👪👫👭

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