You try to be better than him.

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You try to be better than him.

Harry age 12.

Competing with Harry was never easy. Cmon he's a world-known super star.

Who can compete with that? You knew that before all of this he was just a normal boy. Going to school, had a job. Just normal.

He wasn't very good in school meaning that he didn't have the best grades, so you took that opportunity to get the best grades you could muster.

At least you could beat him at something. Harry had come home from tour for a few weeks and in those weeks you would be receiving your report card.

You were all sitting at the dinner table just eating when your mom asked you,

"Honey, how do you think your grades are?" She asks and you swallow before answering.

"Straight A's probably, since last time I got that....and the time before that." You laugh and you purposely said that because you wanted to make it known to Harry that you were better than him in school.

And boy was it known.

"So? You're in sixth grade, colleges don't really care about primary school. It only gets harder." He rolls his eyes and your smile fades and you look down. Your plan kid of back fired.

For the next week every time your mother brought up something good or special you did, Harry just haaaad to one up you.

It's not like you didn't know he was better than EVERYTHING, you were also trying to prove to yourself that you were good enough.

You looked out from your window and saw the mail truck drive away and Harry was outside getting the mail from the mail box.

Once he went back inside you ran downstairs to see him with his head down flipping through all the envelopes.

You ran up to him and skidded to a stop.

"Give it!" You demand and snatched all of the envelopes out of his hands. (A/n: RUDE!)

His head snatched towards you and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I had it first, brat!" He snaps and grabs it back with one hand and pushes you away with the other one.

You grunt and grab it back.

"I want to look first!" You spit and he glares at you before trying to take it back. But you kept a good grip on it.

"Give it to me, you spoiled little demon!" He yells and you just scream in response. Now having a tug of war with the mail and a screaming match, your mother comes stomping down the stairs angrily.

"Can't I leave you two alone for five minutes without you fighting?" She booms and you both freeze, because whenever your mom is like this it gets scary.

"He started it!" You point to him, blaming him.

"What? You little liar! You took them from me first!" He argues and your mom snaps her vision towards you.

"Y/N." She says sternly and crosses her arms.

"I just wanted to see my report card." You grumble and from the corner of your eye you can see Harry smirking at you getting in trouble.

"You didn't have to grab it from him then. Apologize." She says and you gasp.

"But mo-" she cuts you off.

"Apologize." She says and you growl and mumble a 'sorry' under your breath.

"Properly." She says and you purse your lips.

"I'm sorry Harry for taking them from you." You force out. He laughs and pats your head.

"It's ok doll, Hazzy forgives you." He teases and you smack his hand away.

"Good so it's settled." Your mom says before walking back upstairs.

Since Harry had the envelopes in his hand and you were still mad you smacked them out of his hands and they scattered everywhere on the ground. You laughed when he got mad.

"Look what you did you idiot!" He seethes and drops to his knees and starts picking up the white envelopes. You saw your report card and grabbed it off of the ground and ran upstairs leaving Harry grumbling on his knees.

You ripped it open once you got into your room.

'Maths- A

Science- A

History- A

Health- A

Art- A

English- A

P.E- B'

Your eyes widened at the last grade.

"How did I get a 'B'?" You ask yourself before stomping out of your room with the paper but you run into Harry.

"Ohhhh what's this?" He taunts and snatches it out of your hand.

"Aww I guess you didn't get your straight A's after all." He teases and you sulk.

"Yeah and I'll never be better than you so go ahead and wallow in the victory." You snap and he stops laughing.

"Why do you want to be better than me?" He asks and you shrug.

"Why do you think? You're so famous and loved and I just wanted to be on top for once." You say and he smiles and pulls you into a hug.

"You're number one in my eyes all the time." He says and rubs your shoulders.

"Thanks." You mutter and he laughs.

"Hey this is better than I have ever done." He says and you smile.

"HA!" You laugh and he smiles.

"But sis, just remember, I'm older, so I get to do everything first." He smirks and ruffles your hair before strutting off leaving you mumbling bad stuff under your breath.

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