A Little Darkness

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((Warning: This story is a little... aggressive. There's some light torture, I don't think it's too graphic, but if you're really sensitive, it may not be the story for you.))

"Did you do as I asked?" Darkiplier asked calmly as he adjusted his tie, looking over the features of the doctor before him.

"He's been in there since yesterday morning." Dr. Iplier cleared his throat. "I just don't see how-"

"No food, or water?" Dark asked. "No outside contact?"

"Yes." Dr. Iplier sighed, eyeing the dark being carefully. "Who is he?"

"An old acquaintance." Darkiplier explained, reaching for the door knob.

"What are you going to do to him?" Dr. Iplier stepped back.

Dark glanced back at the doctor, a slight smile on his face. "Do not worry about it. Thank you for your help doctor. I am sure you have patients to attend to." He waited, until the hesitant Dr. Iplier finally took his leave. Opening the door, he stepped inside the room and quickly closed it again, locking it behind himself. He glanced up, checking to make sure the doctor had really set it up as he had wanted. A barren room, very dimly lit with only a table and two of the most uncomfortable chairs he could find. He stood still a moment, watching the man seated in one chair, crumpled down over the table. "How good... to see you again." Darkiplier grinned, the echo in his voice reverberating through the room.

The man slowly lifted his head, glaring up at him. "Who are you..."

"You know who I am." Darkiplier growled, taking the seat across from him. "Or at least who we used to be." He offered a small smile. "Butler." Suddenly Dark slammed his hand on the table, causing the other man to jump. In one smooth motion, he ran his hand along the table, spreading out pictures of an old mansion.

"No! No, no, no!" The man screamed, pushing himself away from the pictures, away from the table. His chair toppled backwards, though he barely seemed to notice as he scrambled back until hitting the wall. "Not that place! No! Never again!" He cried out.

"I need answers..." Dark watched him closely.

"I don't know anything! I never knew anything!" He screamed in response, shaking his head. "There was..." He squeezed his eyes shut, his head still shaking. "There was something wrong about that place!"

"The only thing wrong with that place was Mark." Darkiplier's voice dropped low, a soft ringing filling the air.

"That... that noise." The man on the floor whimpered, opening his eyes again. "It's been on and off! I couldn't sleep! Did you do that?"

A small smirk crept across Darkiplier's lips. "Oh... did you have trouble sleeping in here? How unfortunate." He cracked his neck, standing, and loomed behind the table. "I can make this all go away though. I just need one little thing from you. I need to know where Mark is."

"He's dead!" The man screamed.

With a frustrated sigh, Dark calmly made his way around the table, watching as the man pressed his back more firmly against the wall. "We both know that is not the truth. Where is he, Butler?"

"I have a name!" The man shouted.

"No one knows it though. No one ever cared to know it. Especially not Mark. Now where is he?" Dark folded his hands behind his back, looming over the man, a soft glow of blue and red flickering around him.

"What are you..." The man gasped.

Darkiplier cracked his neck. "Pray you never have to learn the answer. Now answer my question. Where. Is. Mark?"

The man shook his head. "I don't know! I don't know where he is!"

Taking a long and slow breath, Dark nodded his head. He turned his back on the man and slowly crossed the room. "I will see you tomorrow, dear friend." He said lowly, as the ringing began to fill the room.

"No!" The man cried, leaping forward from the wall. "No! I have an address! I have-" He let out a relieved sigh as the ringing stopped. "An address!" He panted. "I don't know if he's still there though! I haven't talked to him in months!"

"Oh, have you not?" Dark spun around smoothly, tilting his head as he glared down at the man.

The Butler shook his head. "That's the truth! It is! He only contacts me when he needs my help! It's been months!"

Darkiplier stepped closer, leaning down towards him. "The address."

The Butler nodded, shakily grabbing his phone from his pocket. He unlocked it, and fumbled through it before holding it up with a phone number and address. Dark glanced over the address, smiling slightly at the lack of signal for the phone, before tilting his head to glare down at the man. "There. Now was that so difficult?"

The man let his arm drop, letting out a soft whine. "Will you let me go now?"

Dark only leaned in closer, reaching out a hand and firmly grasped the man's chin with his thumb and pointer finger, though the Butler tried to pull away. "For now. Should Mark contact you, I will expect you to let me know about it. You are much easier to find. You have a much weaker will. You are not able to hide yourself from me the way that he can. If you cross me..." The echo in Dark's voice became stronger, as its tone deepened and the ringing slowly began to pick up once more. "I will find you." He growled. "And you will regret it." Dark roughly jerked the man's head to the side as he released him and stood. He placed his hands behind his back and cracked his neck. "I do not want to hurt you. Mark has crossed us all, you included. Do not stand in my way." He turned, and the room went completely dark. He left in silence, closing the door behind him and stepped into the hallway a piece before pulling out his cell phone to make a call.

"Hello girls, boys-"

"Wilford." Darkiplier cut off the man on the other end of the line. "Have you got your gun?"

"Always." Came the reply, punctuated with a chuckle.

"Good. I have an address for us to explore. Get ready." Darkiplier explained, before hanging up the phone without so much as a goodbye.

Dr. Iplier hesitantly leaned around the corner. "What about that man?"

Dark glanced back towards the room, then sighed. "Let him go. He should not be a problem."

"What did you-"

"Do not ask questions you do not want the answer to." Darkiplier growled.

"Can I give him some water now? People need that to survive you know." Dr. Iplier sighed.

Darkiplier groaned. "Do what you feel you need to. You are the doctor." He muttered, before walking out the door, leaving Dr. Iplier to clean up after him. He had more important things to attend to.

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