Plans With a Friend

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Damien smiled nervously at his assistant. "I thought I might be able to slip out early tonight. I have plans with a-"

"Oh sir..." The woman frowned, holding out a file.

"Friend." Damien sighed, taking the folder and opened it, leafing through the pages. "This has to be done tonight?"

"I'm sorry sir." She sighed, nodding.

Damien hesitated, then nodded, heading back to his office with the file. He carefully read it over, initialing and signing where he needed to. Just as he finished, his assistant brought him another document, with an apologetic smile. Without a word, Damien traded folders with her, and began again.

Finally, twenty minutes after he should have left, a full hour and a half after he initially tried to leave, Damien made his was out of the office, wishing his assistant a good night on his way out. As he headed out to the parking lot, he was at first shocked to find a man, in a beige coat and hat, sitting in the front seat of his car. His shock and fear of what others might think quickly melted as the man turned his head, and gave him a warm smile as he waved.

"Colonel!" Damien called as he walked over. "I feel as though waiting in the mayor's car... could be considered a threat of some type."

William shook his head, gripping the steering wheel and held a hand out for the key. "Whatever do you mean?"

Shaking his head, Damien placed the keys in William's hand, gripping it tightly in the process. "Having this car is a statement piece. If you crash it, I will have your head. Do you understand?"

William smirked, shrugging his shoulders. As Damien sighed, releasing him and made his way around to sit in the passenger side, William leaned back in his seat. "I'm sure Mark could buy you another one."

Damien grunted. "What do you have against him? He's fallen on hard times... you know he has. All he has left is the house." He frowned, watching William closely. "He says you embezzled the money from him."

"He would, wouldn't he." William muttered, then forced a smile. "Tonight's not about him though. It's about celebrating my return from Africa!" He patted Damien's shoulder, then started the car, and began to head for one of their favorite spots.

Nodding his head, Damien glanced into the back seat, then sighed. "I would have thought Celine would have been with you... it's been a month since I received her last letter."

William gripped the wheel tightly, swallowing hard. "Celine and I have... gone our separate ways."

Damien frowned. "You didn't think it important to tell me you broke things off with my sister? When you called to set this up, I assumed-"

"I did not break things off." William grunted, squeezing the wheel more tightly.

Damien opened his mouth and closed it again, turning his head to watch the landscape fly by. After awhile, he looked back over to William, and reached out, taking the hat off his head and dropped it into the back seat. "Feel the wind in your hair."

"Thanks old boy." William chuckled.

"What's the point in owning a car if not to feel the breeze?" Damien grinned, before looking around. "Where exactly are we headed? This doesn't seem to be the way to-"

"Out of town." William smiled. "You're in need of a vacation, are you not?"

Damien shook his head. "I can't just... take a vacation, William." He huffed, William glancing over at the use of his real name, before looking back to the road as Damien continued. "There's an investigation going on right now... and if I lose favour with the town... Mark isn't there to bail me out this time."

William shook his head. "The bugger's turned his back on you as well, has he?"

"He... has been hard to reach." Damien sighed. "But that's not the point. He's lost everything. You know this!"

"As he says." William muttered.

Damien shook his head. "He has no reason to lie about that. William..." He groaned, reaching for the wheel. "Pull over a moment, would you?"

William frowned, slowing the vehicle as he pulled off the road. "But... the celebration. My glorious return!"

"Please, do not take me the wrong way... I'm ecstatic to have you home. I have missed your antics... but... you've been gone half a year. Things have..." Damien sighed, staring at the cane in his hand. "Things are much different than when you left. I fear the investigation is getting close to the fraud, and Mark... has become so hard to get in touch with." He swallowed hard, looking to William. "He has some rather large claims involving you, you know."

"Large claims?" William grunted. "That I embezzled his money!"

"You took his wife, William!" Damien snapped.

"Celine always fancied me more." William stated, crossing his arms. "I don't know why he ever proposed. He knew the connection I had with her!"

Damien closed his eyes. "And where is she now?"

William's lip quivered and he frowned, shifting in his seat. "She said... we were too chaotic. She enjoyed our trips... but that she needed time to think. She just needs time."

Damien chuckled darkly, shaking his head. "Will... my dear friend... I love my sister, I truly do, but I need you to understand that she told Mark she needed time to think, the very week before she ran off with you." He opened his eyes, patting William's shoulder. "She is not coming back to you."

"I am not Mark." William growled.

"No... you are not. You do not have the house or the money-" Damien's eyes widened. "The money's run out, hasn't it?" William leaned his head down, wishing desperately he was still wearing his hat. "That is why Celine left... and that is why you are back in town. Is it?"

William sighed. "I did... also miss you."

Damien shook his head. "You blew a fortune!"

"I know!" William grunted. "I'm not entirely sure how it happened."

"I always did fear my assumptions of my sister could be true." Damien shook his head. "She is still my sister though. Do you know if she made it back alright?"

William nodded. "She did."

"Thank you." Damien smiled, then shook his head. "I need to be into work tomorrow, Colonel. Turn this blasted thing around... we'll go into the bar in town and create a new scandal, shall we?"

"What for!" William cried out contently, starting the car again.

Damien relaxed, then sighed. "You know I was joking... about the scandal, right?"

William grinned as he spun them around and headed back into town. "We'll see, old boy."

Damien's eyes widened. "Colonel, I am being ever so serious about this matter."

"I won't damage your precious image." William waved a hand. "Just a few drinks."

"A few drinks." Damien nodded, smiling to himself as he relaxed. Even if the circumstances weren't the best, it was nice to have William home.

(( I just recently found this, I actually wrote it awhile ago, before "DAMIEN" ever came out, so I'm not sure that I would write it the same, but it could still fit. I figured since it's Who Killed Markiplier's anniversary, it was a good day to post it. Obviously, it's set before the events of Who Killed Markiplier. ))

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