Press Conference (Evanstan)

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This is set just after Winter Soldier came out. I found the exact date from this particular press conference, which was on Wednesday 12 March 2014.

Sebastian's POV

I was waiting for Chris to come out of the bathroom before going downstairs to meet Scarlett and then onto the press conference for the new Captain America film, The Winter Soldier.

"Chriiiis." I said dragging the 'i' out. "Come on. You're taking forever. What's taking so lo-" Just as I was about to finish questioning him, the bathroom door opened.

"Hey." Chris walked over to me and grabbed the waist pulling me closer to him. "What's wrong?" His lips were almost touching mine, and his breath ghosted my lips as he spoke. Just hearing his voice was enough for me to go weak at the knees, and this just made it one hundred times worse.

"Idiot." I pulled out of his grasp and hit him in the arm. "Ouch. What was that for?" Each word was thickly coated with mock hurt. "For taking so long." Chris chuckled, making me go weak at the knees again. Although we had been going out for almost 4 years, he never failed to make me swoon just at his voice again and again. We stood there for what seemed like hours, before he seemed to remember that we had to be at a press conference downstairs in only a few minutes and he grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and pushed me out the door of our apartment at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. (I looked it up and the picture in the media section above was from a press conference at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California.)

"We're going to be late if you don't stop staring."

"Oh, so it's my fault now is it!" I turned to face him once we were outside in the corridor. "You were the one taking forever to get ready." I paused, looking up and down his gorgeous muscle-toned body. "Although, you don't look too bad if you asked me." Chris opened his mouth to say something, but was rudely interrupted by Scarlett almost shouting in our ears. I don't even know how she got there without either one of us realising.

"Will you two lovebirds cut it out. We have a press conference to get to. Thanks to you we are all now going to be late." She grabbed us both by our wrists and dragged us to the elevator at the end of the corridor and pulled us inside, then hit the button for the ground floor.

*time skip - at the press conference*

Someone was asking Samuel L Jackson something about working with Robert Redford, but I couldn't quite hear what they were saying as my mind was preoccupied with Chris's hand intertwined with mine, under the table, playing with my fingers. I tried pulling my hand free of his grasp, but he didn't let his hold on my hand loosen, so I soon gave up not wanting to make a scene. A few more questions were asked, and all was going well until I was asked a question. I leaned forward, stuttering slightly as I answered. I hadn't been paying complete attention I have to admit, as I had been staring at the clock on my phone, willing the press conference to be over so I could take Chris away to our room and kiss him senseless.

I was still holding hands with Chris under the table when I finished my answer, but as I leant back in my chair, I heard a quiet 'bing' come from my phone, so I picked it up with my free hand and saw a text message from Scarlett.

Scarlett's POV

As Sebastian finished answering the question, I looked over to him and something caught my eye. HE WAS HOLDING HANDS WITH CHRIS. I quickly, but quietly, got my phone out and tapped out a message saying 'I see you...' with the googly-eye emoji (idk what it's called). I saw him pick up his phone and then flip his head round to meet my eyes. I looked down at his hand in Chris' and then back up at him. He then looked and jerked his hand away. He was blushing as bright as a tomato. It was so funny to see his reaction. Much to my disappointment, the press conference ended there, but I am pretty sure that Seb was very relieved. As soon as they announced the end of the conference, he grabbed Chris' arm and pulled him out of the room. I just about managed to see him franticly pushing the button for the elevator before I heard Anthony calling me.

Chris' POV

As soon as the end was announced, Seb grabbed my arms and yanked me out of my seat. He continued to drag me along behind him until we got back to our room. He got out his key card from his back pocket and slipped it into the door. He pushed me in and then followed immediately, slamming the door shut with his foot. He turned me round, grabbed my face, and slammed his lips into mine. I stood still, shocked by the suddenness of the kiss, but then realised what was happening and I was soon kissing back. He pulled away, but less than a second later I felt his rough lips against my neck. "What was that for, Seb? Not that I'm complaining." "I just ... couldn't ... resist..." He said between short sweet kisses to my neck. My hands found their way to Seb's hair and I pulled his lips back up to mine. Just then we were again rudely interrupted by Seb's stomach. I pulled away from our kiss.

"Hungry?" Seb simply nodded and buried his head in my chest. I chuckled. "Alright. I'll call room service. How about you choose a movie, yeah." Seb walked over to the couch and started flicking through the channels. I went into our bedroom and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. Once I had ordered, I walked over to the couch where Seb was sitting and pulled him into my arms. "What are we watching?" Seb shrugged his shoulders. "Idk." "OK." I pressed my lips to his forehead, as he snuggled into my side.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Sebby."

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