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requested by GreekGirl07

The year is 2012. The Avengers are fighting their first battle together. Tony says the only way to stop all this and save New York is to take the nuke into the portal - a one way trip. Steve sees Tony fly overhead, the nuke on his back. Steve suddenly remembers when he first saw him, in the boardroom. He remembered how he 'understood that reference' about the flying monkeys and how Tony Stark then rolled his eyes, big time, at him. He remembered how no matter how much Tony had annoyed him in those first minutes, he couldn't help but feel something towards him. It was like what he felt when he would dance with Bucky in their small cramped living room, back in the day. He saw Tony disappear into the portal. They waited and waited, but nothing.

"Close it." He couldn't say anymore. He hadn't wanted to say it but he knew  he had to if they were going to save New York. And he knew if he said anymore he would break down. He knew he would but he didn't know why. Natasha closed the portal. Then they saw it. Tony Stark in his suit falling back to earth.

"Son of a guy." Steve smiled, his face, greasy and dirty from all the fighting, creased at the action.

"He's not slowing down." Thor began to spin his hammer but before he could fly up to Tony, the great big green guy grabbed Tony, smashing into a nearby building and slid down the side of it. Tony lay still. Steve bent down but couldn't hear him breathing. Hulk roared and suddenly Tony awoke, panting.

"What the hell! What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me." Steve laughed quietly. Slowly they got up and made their way back to the Stark tower. Once Bruce was calm and back to his human self again he patched Tony up then Steve accompanied him back to his room. Tony was still wobbly so Steve put him into bed and pulled the covers over him. He was just about to leave when a hand wrapped around his wrist. "Stay. Stay with me. I don't want to be alone." Steve turned around and was met with those beautiful brown puppy eyes. How could he say no? So he brought a chair over and stayed with Tony. His plan was to stay until Tony was asleep  before quietly slipping out. This did not happen as he felt himself also slipping into a deep sleep. He hadn't realised  he was so tired. Steve woke abruptly. He looked at his watch. It was 3am. He was still in Tony's room. There it was again. The noise that had woken him. It was Tony. He was having a nightmare. Steve nudged Tony. Tony sat up, screaming. Steve quickly moved to sit next to him on the bed and held him tight in his arms. "It's alright. I've got you. It's all going to be alright."

After a minute or so Tony had calmed down. He looked up at Steve, whose arms were still around Tony and brought his hand up to Steve's face. He looked into his eyes then leaned in. Steve didn't move away so Tony leaned in closer. Again Steve did not move, so Tony moved in, closing the gap, and kissing him. Steve saw the fireworks and felt the butterflies in his stomach that his mother had always told him about. But he knew he wasn't supposed to feel this with a man. This was wrong. Surely. But it felt so right. So, he did the only thing he knew.

He kissed back.

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