Chapter 1

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     I don't know how it happened, or why it would happen to me. All i know is that I couldn't control it. As hard as I was fighting it, to not give in.  I found it to be a lot harder then I had imagined. And I'm going to tell you how it all happened but for now lets start with right now.
     It's midnight, not a single person in sight, I can feel thing's a normal human wouldn't feel but that's just the thing. I'm not normal, I'm not even human. I'm the one thing I thought was impossible. I'm a vampire. There were so many thoughts racing around in my head.
     One day I had just woken up near some woods. I don't remember how I even got here or why I was there to begin with. I can't even remember what I was doing before I ended up here. God it's so annoying that I can't remember anything. I got up off the ground and looked around.
     Nothing looked familiar at all to me, so there's no way I would just end up here. I walked all the way home had it not been for my phone I probably would have got lost. I had finally made it home, something was different and it wasn't my house. I put my hand on the door nob and I go to open the door and break the handle. I let out a grunt in anger.

"Great just great"

     I say under my breath. I take a deep breath and just relax and push the door open. I look around my house. Everything was in perfect condition and exactly how I had left it. I go into the kitchen and open the fridge hungry, I didn't see anything good to eat so I decided to go out and get something.
     I get out of my car and walk around a corner when I see people walking around. Today was one of those busy days. I continue walking and looking for a good restaurant. That's when it hit me hard, this burning in my throat like someone had set fire to it. I put my hand up to my throat, I quickly walked into a building and found a water fountain. I take huge gulps of water and finally come up for air.
     I go back outside and start my search again for a good restaurant. I look at the people and I feel like everything around me is slowing down into slow motion. I feel and hear my breathing, shallow but heavy. I look at their necks and see their veins sticking out at me. I feel the burning in my throat return, this time it's worst then before.
       I clench my teeth and close my eyes hoping and waiting it out for it to go away. It gets worst the more I try to fight it. I gasp for air and find a quiet and secluded place. With my back against a wall, I sink to the ground. The burning continues just worsening I grab my head, breathing heavy, I can't control it.
     I throw back my head and scream. I hunch over with my hands on the ground supporting my body. I lean back against the wall and black out. By the time I wake up it's sunset. I can breath easier now and I feel better.
     I make my way back to my car and begin the drive home. I get home and just take some left over chicken out and heat it up and eat it. It has a weird taste to it, something is off about it but I can't figure out what it is. I put my plate in the sink and go take a shower. I take a long hot shower, then after 30 minute's I get out and get dressed.
     I go to my room and plug my phone into the charger. I lay down and look at the ceiling. Before I know it I'm fast asleep. I'm somewhere in the woods. I heard a branch snap and I start running and weaving in-between tree's running from whatever it was. I look back for a quick second and keep running.
      I push branches out the way with my arms. I run as fast as I can and eventually I get tired and stop running. I then turn around looking around me. I thought I was safe but I could've never been more wrong in my life. As I turn around someone grabs me on both sides of my shoulders and I scream.
     I open my eyes and sit up instantly. I feel my heart racing. I check my phone for the time. It's ten o'clock. I sit in bed trying to reassure myself.

"It was only a dream..... it was only a dream"

     Though what I didn't know was that in reality it was all real.

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