chapter 10

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     I know it's been awhile but I completely forgot about being a vampire princess. I'm cursed. Being with Evan made time seem to pass quicker but also made me forget about the situation I'm in. I mega screamed and I didnt think a
vampire could do that. Looks like im going to need more training.
     I've changed since I've been a vampire. I remember I use to be normal, eat human food, and not get as hurt as I do in vampire training. This truly sucked. I still had part pf the curse to figure out or break. This is going to take longer then I thought.
     I look at Evan. He notices I'm starring and puts down the cup of blood.

"How much longer until I become the vampire princess?"
"I don't know your body will just know"
"Is it dangerous, like will I be in a coma?"
"Coma like state but you'll come out of it"

     That didn't make things any better for me. I was scared and feeling sick in my stomach. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to cry. I didn't ask for this to happen to me, I didn't ask for any of this.
     I begin to cry. My stomach hurts even worst now. I'm probably going to die and I'll never get to see my life live out. I'll never get to see anyone ever again. Evan instantly hugged me.

"It's okay, don't cry"

     I wanted to run away. I wanted to forget about everyone and everything.  I sob as Evan hugs me.

"Please let me go"

     Evan let's go of me. I didn't want to be touched. Evan grabs a trash can and I vomit in it. As tears stream down my cheeks I just let go and let everything out. Stupid fucking vampire curse.
     I'm so angry. I don't know what to do with my anger. I get up off the couch. And make my way for the door. I fucking hate this so much.

"I'll be back im going outside"

     I open the door and slam it behind me. I vampire run deeper into the woods then normal. I run with my anger boiling in my blood. I run faster and faster not able to hold my anger in anymore and I run straight for a tree and punch it, it break completely. I stop and mega scream up at the sky making the leafs of the tree fall.
"This is just so...grrrr!!!"

     What if I can't do it? What if i can't lift the curse? If I do then what will happen to me? Will I still be a vampire? So many questions I didn't know the answer to.
     That's when it hit me. I started swaying from side to side dizzy. I black out and fall to the ground.


     It's dark out. I don't remember anything. I don't remember what happened. All I know is that I see tree's above me moving. That's when I feel someone's arms carrying me. I'm too weak to look up.
     I keep staring at the trees above me. The amazing breeze, it was warm. My eye lids were heavy and hard to keep open. I let my eyes close and I fall back asleep. I don't dream this time.

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