chapter 13

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I wake up. Evan is gone. Im naked in bed. I get up and get dressed. I vampire run to the front door.
I open the door and vampire run to the middle of the field. It felt amazing to run. It felt like it was so easy. I decide to go for a run further into the woods. I vampire run and jump over huge pieces of fallen wood.
I try a new move to see if it works. I run faster pushing myself and run up a tree and kick off it from tree to tree and land back on the ground and run again. This is so much fun. I could run forever. I see a huge fallen piece of tree on the ground and I run and jump off it, I'm flying through the air.

"That is awesome that's the highest I've ever jumped"

I smile, excited. I take a break and look around. It's a bit darker over here on this side of the woods. Something felt dark about it. I got curious and walked a little further.
It was super cold, almost icy. It felt good but also bad. I start heading back the way I came. I heard a whistle when I made it back to the huge fallen piece of tree. I turned back around and looked and then left.
I make it back to the field coming through the trees. I see Evan on the front porch looking for me. I vampire run to the front porch and stand next to him. He looks at me almost mad once again. I look at him confused.

"You went exploring the woods didn't you"
"Yea why"
"Why and what have I told you"
"Why are you so mad"
"What have I told you"

I put my arms around his neck and kiss him long and slow. He kisses me back. I smile and his anger lightened.

"Your adorable when your mad"

What he said next was both amazing and scary at the same time.

"Next time I'll punish you"

With that he walked back inside and I stood there looking dumb founded once again. I look around to make sure I'm not dreaming. I really did just hear that right. What the fuck?! What does he mean he's gonna punish me?!
I vampire run in the house and go to the kitchen. He has a glass of blood and starts drinking it. I walk up to him and stop right infront of him. He just stares at me with one eyebrow raised. I glare at him.

"What do you mean you'll punish me I was only having a run"

Next thing I know Evan has me pinned against the wall with my arms trapped. He smiles deviously. My heart beating rapidly. I blush bright red.

"I'll punish you the next time I don't know where you went"
"What are you weak when I touch you like this"

He leans in close to my neck. I use my anger and fight back.

"No I am not weak"
"That's not what I saw yesterday or the day before that"

There was no denying that, that's for sure. He had me beat there but right now I was anything but weak. I used my anger and rip my arms out of his grip and pushed him back. I glare at him. I cross my arms as well.

"Fiesty and stubborn"

Evan says with a sly smile. He won't be smiling for long when I wipe that smug smile off his face. I had almost completely forgot about telling him about the eerie side of these woods. I shift my weight to my other leg. I hesitate.

"There's something I have to tell you"
"What is it?"
"When I was running, i jumped over a piece of fallen tree it was huge but on the other side it was cold, eerie almost icy and when I turned around and began walking back I heard a whisle but I turned around but no one was there"

His face had dropped. He was still as a statue. His expression was...cold. He looks almost as if he's in shock. I know how he feels.


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