chapter 7

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     I feel angry, confused but over all I felt frustrated. Why is all of this happening. I didn't have any information about what was happening to me aside from that article. I tried to get up but my legs buckled under me and I fell back down. Why am I so weak?
     I look from the ceiling at Evan. We look each other in the eye, his are crimson and I can tell mine are the same as well because they burn lightly. I clench my teeth together to keep from yelling out in anger. I punch the wall and my hand goes through it. I growl angerly I don't knkw why I feel this way.

"You let me drink your blood so you somewhat feel my emotions"
"Why are you so angry"
"I just am"
"But you weren't angry when you were drinking my blood you... I....we both felt pleasure"

     He glares at me angerly but this was more of a blushing angry. Does that mean he likes me? Does that mean we both like each other?! I have a ton of thoughts in my head swirling around. I finally remember what I was suppose to tell him.

"When I went out to the town to just relax, it was sunset and somebody was laying on the ground with blood around them"

     Evan I almost heard a gasp come from his mouth. He looked panicked for a second. I had a look of fear because Evan doesn't look like he fears anything but when I mention that the look on his face told me it's something to be afraid of. I go to get up and this time I succeeded except I used the wall to lean on for help. I look at Evan.

"What's happening"
"It's getting closer"
"What is?!"

     I don't know what it is but I know it's scary enough to make Evan panick. And that is never a good sign. I'm prepared to train even harder because whatever it is, I'm going to beat it. No matter what happens I can't turn my back and run. I can't do that to Evan or myself.
     I look at Evan with a look of determination. I'm going to fight back. I'm going to win this. Not just for me but for Evan as well. I'm ready for war.

"We can't lose time then, let's train now"
"You can't win this fight"
"Then I will die trying, I'll wait for you on the field when your ready"

     I vampire run out of his house and wait in the field. After five minute's he finally shows up beside me. I look at him, he looks at me. We both nod our heads. I'm ready.

"Practice your element you just learned you'll use alot of that in the fight"
"How can I make it even bigger"
"Remember your anger and point it at your target"

     I look at some trees and get angry I focus on the trees and throw my hand towards them a giant wooden spear goes right through the other side of the tree. I'm determined to win this fight. I look at Evan and he nods his head in aproval and he tells me all things I can do and has me practice them. Next he talks to me about fighting hand to hand combat. I'm pretty good with kicking is what he said.
     He tells me I can power kick, punch, throw and jump. I practice all the moves. Evan throws a rock slightly bigger than my body at me. I power jump off a tree and power kick through it and flip in the air as I come down and land on my knees. He comes at me with vampire speed and I power punch him in the chest and he tumbles to the ground, I smile happy to knock him on his ass for once.
     We continue training harder then ever. My life actually did depend on it now. Was I scared? yes, was I nervous? Yes. Nothing was going to stop or get in my way. Evan has trained me and told me everything I need to know for the fight.

"It's getting dark out so there's one last thing i need you to do"
"Sure what is it"
"Practice your night sight"
"Night sight?"
"You can see at night perfect and clearly and can see anyone coming"
"How do I do that?"
"Focus on movements, watch for the flow of things and lock onto your target"

     Now that I relaize it Evan was a bit nicer to me. We were working together. No fighting or arguing. It was great to finally be able to work nicely with each other. I look at Evan.
     Evan vampire runs and hides somewhere. I focus on Evan, I lock onto him and throw a giant rock at the tree. He zooms out from behind the tree right before the rock hits it. I focus on his moments and suddenly everything becomes slower, he didn't mention this part of it to me, that everything would slow down and I could see what move he was going to do. He tries to grab me but I power cart wheel away from him.
     He runs at me again and tries punching me and I dodge every hit. I power kick him in the chest and he flies back and hits the ground. I start feeling more confident and then I use the earth element and raise my hands up, roots of the earth pull up from the ground and I throw my hands to the ground and the roots trap him. He looks at me and glares at me. I use the earth element and raise my hands up and relax them to my side and the roots go back into the earth.
      Evan walks over to me. He nods his head in approval. I'm so happy I got his approval. I know I can win this fight. Though it may seem like I don't know much or what I'm really up against it doesn't matter because in the end I'm going to fight anyways.
      Evan and I vampire run back to the house. We both enter and Evan closes the door behind us. Evan goes into the kitchen and I follow behind him. He pulls out a blood bag and pours it in a cup for himself. He drinks it all.

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