chapter 4:

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     I'm fully awake after my dream. It was disturbing. At least to me it was, why in the hell would I dream of him. He was a jerk after the stunt he pulled yesterday. He's lucky im a nice person.
     I just sit on the couch and ponder about my life. I was normal, now I'm not, I turned into a vampire and my life went into the trash can. Pretty much that sums up everything that's been happening. Well looks like my life went out the window and into the trash the day I woke up in these woods. Then I met this jerk I'm training with now.
     Oh look Mr. Straight face is walking through to the kitchen now. I wonder what his problem is, why he's so angry. Why did he run away after yesterday? It couldn't have been from me. Maybe he's just an angry person.
     Without realizing it I didnt know I was starring at him the whole time until he said something.

"What are you starring at"

     We sat in silence after awhile. Then the next thing that came out of his mouth shocked me.

"Why did you say my name in your sleep?"

     Did he know about my dream. Did he know I dreamed about him. No there's no way he could know. I quickly decide to play it off and keep cool about it. I get the same stright face as him.

"I don't know, I don't even remember what I was dreaming about"

     He shrugged his shoulders. I waited for him to say something else but after he didnt I spoke up.

"What are we doing today"
"There is no we there's only you"
"Okay then what am I doing today"
"Your learning to vampire run"
"Like you did yesterday"

     I was a bit of a smartass with that comment. And with that he glared at me. I should've kept my mouth shut. He vampire runs out the door and I groan because I know I can't catch up to him. I run out the door.
     I look in the field and see him I run over to him and finally catch up. He cross his arms at me still glarring at me.

"Make more smart comments like that and you'll be training harder"

     I cross my arms and glare at him. That is so not fair he's been an ass to me all this time and I'm the one that's getting the harder end of it because of one smartass comment. He notices my glare and get's angry. I think I saw a hint of a smile on his face but I kept glaring at him. I try to keep my mouth shut but he makes it so hard.

"What you got something to say to me"

     Oh that little... I'm not even going to say anything. Not even inside my head it's better I don't I would get myself into a lot of trouble if I don't start watching my mouth. I groan and just keep silent.

"Didn't think so, now for vampire running you don't think you just do"
"Dont think? Just do?"

     He commands me. I stand there a little longer just looking at him. He points his finger across the field and says angerly and more commanding.

"I said run"

     I walk over to him and look at where he's pointing. I clear my mind and run but im still running like normal. He walks over to me grabs me by my arm, hard, and tells me to run again.

"Um ow my arm"
"Suck it up"

     I cannot believe this jerk right now.  I glare at him once more, angry. He glares back at me even more angry.

"If you don't run I will make you wish you would've listened"

     I wish I would have kept my mouth shut because what I said next I regretted terribly.

"Oh yea and what are you going to do about it"

     He gets angry. He bawls up his fists and vampire runs at me. He swings his fist right for my chest and I fall to the ground. I tumble. He vampire runs at me again and I roll over before he hits me again.
     He grabs me by my leg and throws me. I hit the ground and tumble. God this hurts. I start getting angry at Evan. He walks towards me, I clench my teeth, I'm beyond angry.
     As he walks towards me, I get up off the ground I yell angry "ahh!!" and without realizing it I vampire run at him and slam him up against a tree and hold him there with my hands grabbing his arms. I glare at him angry. I feel my eyes slightly burn but I don't care he pissed me off. I then growled at him. Then looking him in the face I let him go and back up, I look at my hands and back away from him.
     He dropped to the ground on his feet after I had released him. He raises a brow at me but I was to busy looking at my hands and body. I did that I... I could've hurt him, I dont care how pissed off I got I couldnt hurt anyone. I can't believe myself. I look at him and quickly walk over and see if he's okay.
     He looks at me with one brow raised in question. I remember what a jerk he is to me and back up, why should I care if he gets hurt or not, he's just a trainer.  Besides im sure vampires have super healing. I walk back to the open field and wait for him. He vampire runs across the field.

"That is what you need to remember for running you didn't think, you just did"

     I remain silent not saying anything. I kept a straight face like he did but I didnt show what I really felt and I felt horrible I felt bad. I took a quick glance at him and he had his arms crossed waiting for me. I stood by him and he commanded me to run again. I vampire ran and it felt so good to run so fast and not get tired.
     I ran back towards Evan.

"Good enough for today, we're done"
"What? No I want to run more"
"I said we're done for today"

     I just kept silent not pressing it any further. Why is he so mad? It's not my fault. We were across the field a long distnace from the house. I vampire run to his house.
     He vampire ran to his house as well. He opened the door without hesitation and went inside without a second look at me. He pisses me off he gets mad over the tiniest of things. I'm going to talk to him about this later. I can't keep putting up with him.
     It's sunset when I look out the window. My throat begins burning. I hold it back. It's getting a little easier to hold the burning down. I see Evan out the corner of my eye.
     I turn around and let out a breath. I smile and as usual he just glares and crosses his arms. I just keep smiling. He rolls his eyes and pushes off the wall and goes into the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and cross my arms and lean back against the wall.
     I wait for him to finish drinking and I see left over blood on his lips, and quickly turn my head. He rinses the glass out in the sink and looks at me.

"What's with your attitude"
"I don't have one"
"Don't lie to me"
"Just leave it alone"

     He goes to walk out the door when I vampire run and block his way. I glare at him showing I'm not giving up on this conversation.

"Move out of my way"
"I said move"
     As he says that his eyes turn crimson red. The way his eyes turn red looking into them is mesmerizing. I know a few days ago I said he was handsome but his eyes are amazing. I come back to what was happening.

"I said no, lets talk"
"There's nothing to talk about"

     He snarls at me. For some reason it sent shivers done my spine. It slightly showed but I tried to hide it. With that he took it as his advantage and vampire ran into the living room but I was quick and vampire ran after him blocking his way again. He then got angry and pushed me against the wall with both hands ahold of my wrists.
     He leaned in close to my face. I could see the anger. But the closer he gets the more I want him too be closer. I try to shake whatever feeling I had but it wouldn't go away. He clenched his teeth.

"I told you to move out of my way"

     His face almost touching mine. The feeling in my stomach was building up and I couldn't stop it. I blushed bright red and it showed across my cheeks. My breathing was heavy because of how close he was. I saw his face almost soften for more then a few seconds.

     That small word escaped my mouth and the way I said it I don't know if I was begging him to be closer or for him to talk to me. His face softened a little more. My heart wanted him but my mind told me something different.  My breathing started to quicken. His face and body were so close to me, he leans in a little more our lips just inches apart, I close my eyes.

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