chapter 2

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     I get up out of bed and wonder if my dream meant anything. I walk into my living room and walk to the window I open the curtains slightly. It's sunrise, what a beautiful sight to see. I walk into my kitchen and get a note pad out the drawer and a pen. I sit down at the kitchen table and try to remember everything that happened from that night up until now.

"Woke up in woods. Broke door knob. Burning throat. Slow motion sight. Black out"

     That's all of it. From the woods up until now, I'm glad I can at least remember this. I get up and go to my room where my desk was, open the drawer and put my notes in there for safe keeping. I wonder if it's safe to go out considering what had happen to me yesterday. I don't know what was happening to me at this point I'm sure it was just an off day for me.
     I decide to stay home today. Fear that something like that might happen again. I get a bowl of cereal. I go to take my first bite and as I begin to chew I get an awful taste in my mouth. I quickly make my way over to  the trash can and spit it out while holding back my hair.
     I usually love eatting cereal I've never not liked it before. I take another bite and it still tastes just as awful as the last. I spit that out in the trash can as well. My stomach growls I remember eating chicken yesterday, even then there was something off about that too. Something strange was happening to me.
     I go in my bathroom and squeeze toothpaste onto my toothbrush. I brush my teeth like I do every morning. This time it hurt to brush. I wash off my brush and stick it in the holder. I look at myself in the mirror closely.
     I lean closer into the mirror. My eyes start burning. "Ah" I rub my eyes and look back in the mirror. My eye's are glowing white. I scream and step back and slip, I hit my head on the sink and pass out on the floor.
     I'm back in the same dream, this time I was already running. Using my arms to push the branches out of my way. I eventually stop running tired and out of breath. I then turn around looking around. This time it was different, someone grabbed me on both sides of my shoulders.
     I scream and close my eyes when I go to open them I see sharp teeth smiling at me, and a dark hood covering their face. I jolt awake. I relaize after a few seconds I'm in the bathroom on the floor. I get up slowly and look at myself in the mirror. I look where I hit my head on the sink, there was no blood, no scartch or gash, not even a bruise. 
     I squint at myself one last time in the mirror before going to my room. I open up my desk drawer and get my pen and paper and write down another note.

"White glowing eyes"

     Now I know for sure that there is something wrong with me. Even my dream is trying to tell me something. I need to piece together what happened to me between waking up in the woods and what happened before. If only I could just remember that night. I get an idea and grab my notes and go into the living room and get my laptop.
     I type in my password. I go to the search engine and type in "white glowing eyes, burning throat and slow motion sight, strength and black outs". The search engine gives me an ancient article on the history of the vampire princess.

"Vampire princess?"

     I say under my breath, confused. I click on the link to the article. I begin reading.

"The vampire princess is cursed"
"What?!? Cursed?!!!"

     The first line already has me in fear. I don't know if I want to keep reading but I have to find out what's going on with me. I force myself to continue reading.

"She has a thirst for blood like no other her throat burns with a fire like sensation, if she doesn't feed she will lose control of herself, black outs occur when she is almost close to  completing her transition, strength comes after thirst  and so the curse says that there is no breaking it but 1,000 years ago when one woman tried to break the curse she almost succeeded, but she failed no one knows why, they say the key to breaking the curse is falling in love with the darkness it brings"

     I finish reading the article. I sit there stunned. I'm a..a vampire. I have to fall in love with the darkness it brings? What does that even mean?!
     One thing is for sure I have to find the person who did this to me and have them help me. How do I even know where to look? I begin to panic and I shut my laptop. I shut it so hard I break it in my hands. My eyes grow wide in fear.

"No ..oh no no no no no nooo"

     I pick it up and throw my crushed computer away. I get my car keys and go back to the woods I woke up in. I'm desperate for help.

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