7 | Armie

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"Come back to bed," I call over my shoulder. "It's ridiculously early."

"But I'm already making breakfast," Timmy protests from the kitchen. "Starting with a fruity protein shake - super healthy and good for beefing up-"

"I can tell it's been working for you," I call in jest, smiling ruefully as I amble back into the bedroom.

"I'll have you know I hit the gym to burn out the hatefire inside me..." I can hear the suppressed laughter in Timmy's scowl.

"Mhmm. Come back to bed."

"Heard you the first time, fucktard."

I heave a burdensome sigh as I cross over to my side of the bed, giving my balls a good scratch.

"Then get over here."

"Okay, okay. Give me two minutes. I'm bringing the smoothies."

"Bring the smoothies and your ass over here pronto."

I burrow under the covers to wait for Timmy, sparing a glance at the bedside clock. Yeah, the world can wait. It's too damn early. Nobody's looking to start shooting before eight, anyways.

That's why I absolutely love the working hours here in Italy - we wrap every day at about six or seven, after just eight or nine hours of work. Not like in America, where we put in twelve to fourteen hours of filming on a good day. I could get used to this.

Shit, I think as I succumb to the lull of sleep, I think I already have.


I wake up to Timmy's hand shaking my shoulder and an eyeful of...bunnies?

"Wow," I muse, voice thick with sleep as I sit up on one elbow and rub my bleary eyes. "I can't remember the last time I saw you in underwear." These days, Timmy and I usually just prance around the apartment in our birthday suits, not-so-private bits flopping around all over the place because why the fuck not.

"I like these," Timmy shrugs. "They have rabbits on them - look."

"I can see that." What with his crotch so close to my face as he stands by the bedside.

But apparently it's not close enough, because now he's lifting a leg over my chest and onto the bed, straddling me with one foot still planted on the floor. "They're beautiful, sweetheart." His little bulge is right in my face now, Timmy's face beaming above me as he stares proudly down at his favourite pair of underwear. Upon closer inspection, I can indeed make out a pattern of tiny, fuzzy white critters with floppy ears and cotton tails parading across every inch of the baby blue fabric. "So cute," I emphasize, nosing into his crotch. Timmy hums contently and grips the back of my head, encouraging the little licks I apply to the front of his underwear. I slide my hands up the back of his buttery smooth thighs and let them rest just under the swell of his small asscheeks, still nuzzling him in earnest.

"I made breakfast." Timmy swings his grounded leg up onto the bed and plants his hands on either side of my head.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Also, we have a kiss scene today, I think."

Little sparks of lightening bloom in the bottom of my gut.

Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now