38 | Timothée

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I had sex with Armie.


I got Armie freaking Hammered and I'm on cloud nine trillion. Nothing is the same.

We look at each other, panting and sweating, in the intimately quiet afterglow. He's so handsome. Chiseled cheekbones and sunkissed skin and eyes like a stormy sky... More than ever, I feel the overwhelming urge to stay close to him. We can't stop touching, rolling, kissing softly, gentle fingers fluttering adoringly over shivering skin in the waning light - as our breathing quiets and skin cools down. Armie's lips are swollen and red, my own are stinging from all our kissing.

"My baby," he murmurs with awe. "You're so beautiful." Armie soothes the burning heat in my blushing cheeks with soft, feather-like kisses.

It's getting dark, and I'm reminded that I gave Armie all of me outside on a blanket in the most magical secluded meadow in all of Italy. I lost track of time, and everything else but him. I shiver in the cold that I wasn't aware of mere minutes ago. Armie helps me stand up and I stall after a few shaky steps, my mouth falling open in shock. He follows my gaze down to the trails of come dripping down my thigh and swallows hard.

"Look," I say breathlessly.

"Yeah, baby... I did that."

From a physics perspective, I will never understand how that glorious, thick, veiny, strong, velvety thing fit inside me. Especially because it was my first time. Armie was my first...everything, really. And I couldn't be happier about it. It's not like I went around thinking I was going to save myself for the one I love. But after I fell for Armie, no one else would do. I just didn't want anyone else. Simple as that.

Mentally, I'm floating, weightless and euphoric. It's done. I've lost my virginity; it will be Armie's forever. I didn't get scared or anything. I'd never wanted anything more.

Physically, though, my legs buckle at the soreness that lances sharply though me. I've never felt pain and pleasure like that before. There is no feeling in the world quite so exquisite as letting Armie into my body. It hurt so much, but I love the soreness because he's the reason behind it.

Armie is right there to catch me in his arms, kissing me reassuringly. I lean against him, no doubt looking comically awestruck, until strong hands slide under me and lift me effortlessly against a broad, tan chest.

"Take it easy, beautiful." Armie's voice, gravelly deep and affectionate, has my toes curling all over again. "Guess my hips still work just fine, huh, babe?"

I let out a dramatic groan and swoon into his arms, too weak to stand. He's such a complete and utter snack, just absolute man candy that I want to stuff my face with over and over again. I'm obsessed, so madly into everything about him. But all of that pales in comparison to the downright sappy, pathetic love I feel for this man. I don't know if it's the sex or what, but it's stronger than ever. The stars in my eyes when I look at him are brighter, I blush more easily, everything looks rosier as he helps me back into my clothes.

Except I don't wanna be back in my clothes. Armie's whole, big-ass body is so slick and hot, skin-tight briefs sliding up his thighs and fitting snug around a package that I couldn't be more in love with after becoming so intimately acquainted. I reach out and cup him gently and he hisses, eyes closing.

Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now