19 | Armie

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"Put that away right now," I seethe, straining to control my tone for Timmy's sake. I know there are veins bulging in my neck and forehead, but I've just caught my baby boy sexting, damnit.

Timmy looks up from his bed with a coy smile, his pants still around his ankles.

"My dick or the phone?"

"Now, damnit!"

"Oh, don't be such a hypocrite," he mutters. "You probably sext Elizabeth all the time."

"I do no such thing!"

"Whatever," Timmy dismisses. "Just leave me alone; I'm busy-"

"Busy asking guys on Grindr to fuck you?" I grit my teeth, biting out a harsh laugh.

Timmy stands, drawing himself to his full height.

"I don't have to ask guys to fuck me, Armie. Unlike you, most other men are actually dying to get a piece of my ass."

I shake my head mournfully.

"I just wish you'd respect yourself-"

"Whatever, dad."

"Instead of acting like a slut."

Timmy squares his shoulders and meets my gaze evenly.

"Maybe I am one."

"No, you're not."

There's a pause, and something in Timmy's demeanour shifts.

"I can be your slut."

I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Please, not this again."

"If I could have you," Timmy swallows, solemn. "I wouldn't want anything else ever again, I swear."

I let out a pained groan.

"Timmy." Falling to my knees, I grab his hands and clasp them in my larger ones. "Timmy, I could kneel here and tell you I love you until I'm blue in the face. But I will not fuck you like an animal so you can get rid of what you call your pesky virginity. I love you too much for that. Do you understand?"

It's a long moment before Timmy sighs and pulls me onto the bed next to him. Gathering him in my arms, I kiss the head tucked against my chest, resting my cheek atop his sweet curls.

If I did it, what he wants me to do, he'd never get over me. He'd get infinitely more emotionally attached to me than he is now, simply because then I'd be his first and your first stays with you your whole life, like it or not. He's already imprinted himself on me like a sweet little baby bird; if we did the deed, it would break him completely that he can't have me. It would hurt him. And hurting him is my last intention on this earth.

"You can send me dick pics anytime," Timmy murmurs.

Cradling Timmy's head, I draw him in by the nape of his neck and press a quick kiss to his forehead.

"Very funny, darling."

His hand finds mine and our fingers lace together.

"I'm serious. Sometimes I miss Goliath..."

I rub my thumb in circles across the inside of his delicate wrist until his tummy rumbles.

Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now