41 | Armie

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"You're so gross," Timmy retorts with a scoff, pushing past Ansel through the door.

Ansel laughs and pulls him back, giving Timmy's disheveled hair a noogie. I watch the affectionate banter and smile as my baby's already debauched hair doubles in volume.

Timmy rolls his eyes but accepts Ansel's bro-handshake.

Ansel gives me one next, accompanied by an approving nod.

"Mr. Hammer," he booms, clapping me on the back. "Looking sexy and famous as always. Come on in."

Yeah, Timmy's friends are great.

Ansel's Manhattan house is spacious and trendy. Music echoes in the cavernous awning of the foyer he leads us through. Timmy starts grooving along to it, and - this is not even one percent exaggeration - I instantly harden again at the mere shimmying of his hips.

"Not bad, Ansolo," Timmy smirks.

"Thanks, bitch."

"I'm gonna go use the washroom."

"You need it."

I expect Timmy to cuss him out with that pretty mouth of his, or at least flip him off. But he just blushes and glances demurely at me before heading for the stairs. He takes two steps at a time and lopes up to Ansel's bathroom, because that's the stage of friendship they're at.

The invitees to tonight's dinner are my parents and sister, Niki, Saoirse, myself and Timmy, Ansel's sister Sophie and brother Warren, his parents, and of course, his girlfriend Violetta.

Ansel has also invited a few more of he and Timmy's friends. I was introduced to Lily when Timmy was working with her on The King. I thought she was alright, but didn't like how she was always hanging on Timmy even off work. Not long after they wrapped, I talked to the casting director of my next gig, Dreamland, about getting her on. Timmy says I did it just so I could keep a closer eye on her, because I was jealous. Which I will nether affirm nor deny.

I mostly avoid Selena, Lily and the lot tonight because of the way they unabashedly prey on me. Ever since word got out that I divorced Elizabeth, I was labelled most eligible bachelor in pretty much all of America. The consequences ranged from flirtatious interviewers to love letters from strangers to rabid fan assaults. And absolutely no relief from the single ladies.

I get along well with Ansel's entire family. Obviously, I have loads to discuss with Sophie, a fashion photographer, and Warren, a cinematographer.

But I prefer to listen to Timmy's parents tell his embarrassing childhood stories. I love the fond gleam in their eyes, the affectionate way their hands rest entwined between them. I have endless respect for them as parents, because they raised the boy of my dreams.

Often times when Timmy and I go out for dinner, we invite either his family or mine or both.

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Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now