12 | Timothée

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Armie pulls away at the sound of the tap water running downstairs in the kitchen. It snaps me back to reality, too. We should've locked the door. We should have behaved better in the first place, but if I'm going to be weak then I at least need to be careful.

"I should probably give you that tour now..." Armie laughs and rubs a hand over his mouth.

"Probably," I grin back.

The house is amazing. Opulent and positively cavernous, it looks like something out of a Better Homes and Gardens spread. There are pictures everywhere, and I even see a few from back when Armie was tiny.

Wen we get to the kitchen where Elizabeth is finishing off the dinner I made, she thanks me for making the meal and gushes about how amazing my cooking is. She promises to take me shopping tomorrow, which I assume she thinks is a reward for me.

I hear Armie and Liz that night, louder than I'd like. Bringing my blanket, I camp out on the floor of Harper's room since its further down the hall. She gives me one of her pillows and I make up a story about us as a pair of brave knights to put her to sleep. I lie awake.


"Oh, hon, please don't tell me you want to get boring guy stuff." Elizabeth clasps her hands together, eyes taking on a glossy sheen as they land on a Victoria's Secret store. Her shriek is borderline inhuman. "Follow me!"

I'm dragged by the arm into the store, and my jaw drops as soon as we enter. The absolutely divine fragrance cloying the air is the first thing I notice. Then the unmistakably feminine nature of the store sinks in: the mannequins displaying seductive lingerie, the rows upon rows of hand lotions and perfumes and whatever-the-fuck else, the pink and white and gold everywhere.

Elizabeth is thrumming with energy, eyes vibrant as they dart around the place and peruse the selections.

"Oh! Timothée," she gasps, picking up a gold tube of tester hand lotion from a display shelf. It's situated alongside a matching bottle of what the label calls body mist. "You have to try this! I know all the scents in here and this one is so you, darling!" She grabs my hand without waiting for a response and squeezes a small dollop onto the back. As I rub it in, I'm almost knocked out by the most incredible scent that has ever graced my nostrils. "Don't you love it," Elizabeth squeals excitedly. "This one's called Heavenly."

I scrape the toe of my shoe against the polished floor, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Uh, Elizabeth, it smells amazing, but... I really can't afford anything this-"

"Timothée, don't be silly," Elizabeth gasps, genuinely affronted. "You're not paying for any of this!" She sets the lotion down and grabs both of my hands, eyes bearing imploringly into my own.

"I couldn't-"

"This is as much for me as it is for you, hon." Elizabeth places the body lotion and mist in our cart. "You have no idea how excited I am, how much fun I'm having already. Armie hates shopping and Harper's way too young to appreciate it and the girls in my friend group that aren't skanky-ass bitches are all busy today."

My jaw hangs loose, completely unhinged. So I guess she really wants to play dress-up with a boy, then.

"Well, um, okay," I manage stiltedly. "Thank you, Elizabeth-"

Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now