23 | Armie

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"Babe, could you please look up from your phone for one goddamn second while I'm talking to you?"

I rush to comply, suppressing a sigh of irritation. "I've been modelling bathing suits for the past fifteen minutes; have you even been paying attention?"

"Yeah," I'm quick to assure my wife, tucking my phone into the back pocket of my shorts. "Of course."

"So which one's your favourite, then?"

I cast a subtle glance at the heap of clothes strewn across the end of the bed, catching a glimpse of yellow.

"The yellow one," I propose in a timorous voice.

"Ugh," Liz groans, "but that one shows off my stretch marks."

"Well, I thought the colour was nice," I mollify her, standing up. "Very bright. Beautiful, just like you."

Elizabeth is pleased with the kiss I place on her cheek, and I'm able to leave the room without a fight.

I feed Bunny and make sure there's plenty of water and dog food out for Ham.

We eat a breakfast of scrambled eggs with finely diced vegetables thrown into the mix, and then hit the road.


The sand is scalding hot, burning the soles of my feet as I lead the family towards a vacant spot on the beach. It's teeming with hordes of sunbathers and swimmers, the atmosphere rife with splashing and laughing and strains of lighthearted conversation mingling with music.

Liz and I work to set up the umbrella while Timmy sits with the kids a few feet away, looking cute as ever. I watch as he shows Harper how to apply sunscreen thoroughly, captivated by the frail beauty of his spine protruding from his thin back. He's wearing nothing but a little pair of red swim shorts. Red is a good colour on him.

Leaving Liz to work on her tan, Timmy and I take the kids to the shore. We make sure to stay within sight of a lifeguard as we equip them both with inflatable lifesavers.

"Hops, stay in the shallow part, please." Timmy gestures to the small, coloured buoys delineating a safe strip of water for children to play in.

Ford isn't interested in the water; he sucks on his pacifier and plays with his toys at our feet.

I take my time rubbing sunscreen on Timmy. His skin is hot and butter-soft as I spread the lotion all over his body before rubbing it in. He tries to help, but I bat his hand away.

"Don't deprive me of this," I murmur hotly in his ear.

Fucking beautiful timid little Timmy just blushes and looks down. But I can read it in those droopy, jade eyes that never lie: I wanna be adored. He craves attention and affection.

"You're so beautiful," I whisper against the nape of his neck, my voice deeper than usual with a breathless sensation of longing. "You're absolutely gorgeous."

It takes forever to apply the sunscreen this way, but it's worth it.

Timmy trails a finger along my Adam's apple when it's his turn to rub the cream into my skin.

Calling Him By My Name [Armie Hammer + Timothée Chalamet | Charmie | mxb]Where stories live. Discover now