At Peace...

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Arthit POV

Panicking, I hold on tighly to the falling KongPop, trying to keep him up
"KongPob! Kong! KongPob, are you okay?!"

No response.

With a growing panic, I lift him up and place him on the nearest sofa. Touching his face, I find him hot to the touch, cool and clammy.

Taping my pockets, I realized that I left my phone in my room. Looking around, I find his phone on the floor near the entrance.
Picking it up, I dial my on-call physician who picks up on the third ring.

"Aunt Davika, it's Arthit. I'm okay, but a friend of mine just fainted on me. Can you please make a house call? I am across my dorm room."

"I'm on my way, don't panic" she advises without any questions asked before hanging up the phone.

Finding hand towels in his bathroom and wetting them in the sink, I place some on his forhead and after removing his tie and opening his shirt up a bit, I place one on his neck. A few minutes later, Aunt Davika enters through the door that is still slightly ajar with two nurses behind her.

Pushing me aside, they start working on KongPob.

After thirty minutes of examinations, we move him into his neat bedroom and she tells me that he's just coming into a bad flu, and he just needs some rest.

Feeling relieved, I walk her out of the dorm while she's firmly warning me about being careful myself.

After seeing them out, I sit next to KongPob on the bed, watching his face, memorizing his features for hours until sleep seems to pull me into it's sweet bliss without me realizing it.

4 hours later

Bang Bang Bang!
Bang Bang!

I try to push myself harder into the comfortable space that I am in but someone is fucking trying me with all that knocking on the door.

After a few seconds, I jump out of what seems like a bed and look around for KongPob. But he's sitting up and drinking the chicken broth that I prepared for him in case he woke up right before I apparently fell asleep.

"KongPob! You okay?" I ask, looking at him all over and checking his temperature which seemed to have decreased.

"I am fine, P. Sorry for worrying you" he answers sheepishly, putting his bowl down.

I keep my hand on his face, looking at him who's now smirking at me. I simply pinch his face and say
"Yeah, you gave me fright" while sighing and passing him the pills prescribed for him on the dresser next to me.

After making sure he took them, I walk towards his door, and open it to find six of his friends standing at the doorway who remain shell-shocked at my presence and I also see my friends with the exception of Prem facing towards my bedroom on the verge of knocking on the empty bedroom.

Sighing tiredly, I say "come in" with my friends whirling around at the sound of my voice.

Our ten friends enter his suite room, with bright questioning in the silence "Look at Arthit's face, do you think he killed KongPob?" after he passes me. Toota makes the slicing motion with his thumb, telling him to hush.

As soon as they all enter, I close the door and move towards Kong's bedroom with all of them watching me. As I approach his slightly ajar bedroom, I see him trying to come out the bed and yell "No!" Which comes out harshly seeing as all of our friends flinched backwards at my tone.

However, without glancing back at them again, I walk into his bedroom and close the door. "I called my doctor to check up on you when you fainted and she told me you needed complete bed rest. So you better stay here, I'll tell your friends that you're fine and to visit you later. It's the flu, so it may be contagious anyways. "

"But Oon, shouldn't you also leave then?" he says with a frown on his face "I don't want you to get sick"

Scoffing, I answer "I am not leaving you!" Louder than I thought, "especially when you're sick" without giving him a moment to answer, but making sure that he's fully in bed, I open the door intending to walk out, but a pile full of people fall into the room as soon as I pull it.

KongPob's gives out a hoarse laugh at our friends antics while I give them the best glare that I could muster, and they all quickly get up and walk out the room, after glancing behind me, at the waving KongPob.

After they all walk into the living room, I close the door behind me and say loudly so that they can all hear me "KongPob's fine, he's just coming up with the flu. And I'm also fine. We'll talk later and I apologize for missing today's activity. If he's feeling better tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow otherwise I'll see you on Wednesday as someone has to stay with him" my friends eyes widen as they know that no matter what, whether sick or tired with royal duties or whatnot, I have never ever missed a school day before.

Before anyone can utter a comment, "Now, bye guys. He needs his quiet and rest and I could also use some sleep. If there's an emergency, you can find me here" I say while pushing them out "Don't worry I won't murder him" I add for his friends' benefit and maybe, also for my friends' piece of mind while rolling my eyes.

After they leave, I lock the door behind them, walk back into his bedroom to find him ending a call with his mom.

Wordlessly, I jump on the other side of the bed, and pull him towards me despite him weakly struggling against me, not wanting me to get sick.

After a few unsuccessful seconds, he tiredly sighs and closes his eyes, burrowing more into my warmth, his head against my chest.

Soon, we both fall blissfully into sleep. And I really sleep, rest, am at peace with myself, in a way that I haven't been in a long time, maybe even never.

Note: Thank you for all for reading and for your patience during my wattpad account issues💚

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