Your Majesty

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Tuesday 1:05pm


I wake up to the sound of something sizzling in the kitchen, my head no longer feeling like someone is repeatedly running me over, thankfully.

Getting up, I first go freshen up in the bathroom before walking into the living room.

As soon as I enter, I see Oon making breakfast while humming softly to a foreign pop song that I do not recognize playing not too loudly from his phone (5 friekner by Gabrielle).

I watch him unnoticed for several minutes, smiling unreasonably and unbeknownstly at his off-tune voice and the way he was excitedly mouthing off the lyrics and swinging his boxers' clad hips.

Suddenly, I can't stand the distance between us, I need to be near him.

"I didn't know you're into Norwegian pop songs, Oon" I say recognizing the language, walking closer from behind him, and unintentionally, okay a lie, maybe intentionally startling him and earning me a yelp and then a scolding "KongPob! You startled me"

Laughing at his cuteness and sliding my hands around his back, and clasping them around his firm stomach in a back hug "I thought you went to military school for your high school training Oon" I say in an amused mock whisper while elated with the fact that I am actually holding him right now "Why do you still scare so easily and what were you going to do with the spatula?"

"Why the hell would I be on alert in a kitchen with my boxers on when the only threat is my supposedly sick boyfriend?" He responds, while first tapping the back of my head with the spatula and then placing his other hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, turning the stove off, gently unclasping my hands and turning to face me.

"I'm feeling much better Oon" I say while he gently strokes my face a few seconds which has me leaning in as much as I can for the contact before he lets me go. "If you have afternoon classes, I can handle being by myself, P" I add, knowing how missing even one class can greatly affect one's coursework.

Glaring at me, he says, "I said I am not leaving you today Kong, and that's the end of it" moving away from me to set our breakfast table. Not one bit sad about his pronouncement, I follow right behind his steps, simply ecstatic at being near him.

After a few minutes of this, he laughs and then glares at me, "Stop following me like a lost puppy and be useful" he says pushing me towards the coffee maker.

Feeling dejected, I make us coffee and we have our breakfast in a comforting silence, simply staring longingly at each other, okay that's just me staring longingly at him, he's actually glaring at me for not eating much, but a man can dream.

After taking my medicine and cleaning up after ourselves in a comfortable companionship, we settle on the sofa in front of the TV which he turns on. But I'm not staring at the TV, I simply stare at'Arthit's still disbelieving the fact that not only have I found him, but he's sitting right next to me as if we were picking up right where we left off the last time we saw each other, except this time, without all the secrets between us.

"So P'...I have actually been wondering what I should call you" I say to him who now turns towards me with a glare on a slightly embarrassed face. He's way too adorable. "You can call me whatever you want" he says "It's not like I can stop you".

"So you wouldn't mind if I called you...Your Majesty" I say coming closer to him and almost whispering the words

"Kong!" he quickly says facing me "Don't you dare!"

I simply laugh at his horrorful face that is now really red.

"I will murder you and stash your body where nobody will never find it if you ever refer to me as such" he threatens in a serious deadpan.

Feeling curious, and maybe suicidal, I move my face even closer to his and whisper "Your majesty"

"Kong!" he yells pushing me away. Feeling off balanced, I try to hold on to him to keep myself from falling, but I end up taking him with me and we both crash down the sofa with me laughing and snorting at his adorableness.

After I get my bearings to myself, I stop laughing after realizing the precarious position that we're in, suddenly my breath gets stuck somewhere in my throat, and I can't even breathe. He's right there. The lengths of both of our bodies completely touching. Our noses touching. Lips almost touching.

His eyes widen. His breathe hitches. His lips part. And I can't handle it.

Wounding my hand behind his nape, I slowly bring him down to me, giving him all the chances to pull out. But he doesn't. Feeling beyond anything that the human language can describe, and forgetting that the whole world exists, I pull him down to my lips, and for several minutes, we drown in each other.


Note: Thank you <3 for reading and sorry for the long wait. New chapter tomorrow 😊

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