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Onika Maraj
August 22nd 1990

"Psst Beyonce are you still up." I whispered tapping her shoulder. Beyonce was my best and only friend here at the Orphange. I'm 6 and she's 8.

"Yes I'm up." She giggled. Right now were suppose to be sleeping but its 8:45 who goes to sleep that early besides the elderly.

"Good come here." I smiled showing off my 2 missing teeth. I pulled my covers back and allowed her to get under them with me.

"I made you something at school." I said digging on my book bag. I handed her the microphone that I made for her in art class but it was a little smashed.

"I love it cookie. Thank you." She calls me cookie because I'm sweet. Beyonce is always running around here singing and dancing but I don't mind sometimes we have performances. She sings and I rap.

"Can you sing for me pleaseeeee." I begged her voice always helped me get to sleep faster.

"Of course." She put the microphone to her mouth and started to sing. Her voice was so angelic and soothing.

"You're going to be famous with a voice like that." I mumbled before closing my eyes to go to sleep.

"And you'll be right there beside me." She whispered putting her microphone on the nightstand.

Beyonce Knowles
October 26th 2010

"You know I still have that microphone." I laughed sipping some water from my glass

"Oh my gawd. Can you throw that ugly ass thing away." Nicki blushed hiding her face.

"Nooo it was perfect then and its perfect now." I smiled.

"Whateverrrrr." She playfully rolled her eyes. She's so dramatic.

"Mommy!! Show starts in 5 minutes." My daughter Blue yelled running into my dressing room. Even though Onika and I aren't together yet we both decided to adopt kids from the Orphange we lived at.

"Where's laila?" Nicki asked.

"I here mama." She smiled waddling over to Nicki. They were like two peas in a pod. We picked up the girls and put the on our hips before walking on stage. The girls loved being on stage with us and the fans thought they were so cute.  Before we started to perform we sent them off stage and got the crowd warmed up. Tonight we were performing our album pink lemonade. It was a huge success. With my sweet, seductive voice and Nika's crazy, lyrical, sexual punchlines and metaphors the album was destined to be a hit. We closed the show with our last song on the album called crazy in love. They crowd went wild singing along to every single word. When the song came to an end pink and yellow glitter fell down from the ceiling and rained over the audience.

"I always knew you'd be famous with a voice like that." Nicki whispered in my ear as we hugged.

"And I always knew you'd be right beside me." I smiled.


I know this is super short but its only a preview of what's to come. Give me some ideas or topics you guys wanna read about.


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