Baby Boy

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Warning this chapter will be long as f***. Or at least to me it is so get some food something to drink and enjoy


"Bianca baby help your sister tie her shoes." I yelled from the kitchen as I packed my youngest girl Giselles bag for preschool. I'm a stay at home mom which I love and my wonderful wife Beyonce runs a very successful record label.

"We're ready mommy." My middle daughter Nicole smiled walking into the kitchen. I smiled and kissed both her and Biancas foreheads.

"Good girls now go catch the bus and listen to your sister Nicole." I said as the left the house. Nicole thought she was the boss of everyone. She hates listening to anyone but herself. She acts just like Beyonce.

"Mommy me stay home?" Giselle asked dancing around the kitchen. She never wants to leave me in the morning.

"You have to go to Daycare baby girl. Mommy has errands to run." I explained to her. She pouted and crossed her arms. That only works on Bey not me. I gave her a look and she got her act together.

"Fine." She said walking toward the door. Lord give me strength. I grabbed my purse, her book bag and grabbed her hand walking out the front door. I put Giselle in the truck strapping her in and then getting in myself. The ride to the daycare wasn't that long considering that morning rush hour was coming to an end. I parked in the full parking lot of the daycare, cutting the engine on the car and grabbing Giselle.

"You know I love you mommy." I know what she's trying to do. Shaking my head she ain't slick. Batting them eye lashes and poking those dimples out. Thats my trick.

"Mommy loves you too lady bug." I smile putting her down so I can sign her in. I hand her her book bag and hug her one more time.

"Behave Nicole." I giggle fixing her ponytails.

"I'm Giselle." She said pointing to herself.

"Sorry Bianca." I said pinching her cheeks.

"Giselleeeee mommy." She said shaking her head. We did this every morning before her class. I blew her a kiss and told her to have a good day before leaving to go back home. Once I was home I cleaned the house top to bottom and made a to do list for the rest of the week. I finished cleaning early so I decided to take Beyonce lunch. I heated up left overs from last night and carried them out to the car. I drove the 35 minutes to the building downtown and parked in the large lot. Security escorted me upstairs to Beyonce office and like always she was on the phone.

"Yes I'll call Rihanna back tomorrow. Tell her that I'm working on her contract tonight and it'll be ready in the morning. So set up a meeting for around 10. And please have our heavy hitters at the table. Thank you Tameeka." She said hanging up the phone and directing her attention to me. The look in her eyes made me melt.

"Hey princess." She said standing up to greet me. I smiled as her arms wrapped around my waist. She pulled me into her body pressing her lips against mine. Mmm I love those kisses.

"I brought you lunch daddy." I said pulling away from our kiss. Smiling at her glowing skin.

"I'm looking at a meal right in front of me." She said licking her lips and playing with the waist band of my jeans.

"Oh stop it." I blushed walking over to her desk taking a seat and looking over her agenda for today.

"You sure are nosey." She chuckled sitting in her chair and leaning back with her hands on her lap. I put her planner down and picked up the large contract that say beside it.

"This contract is horrible babe. " I said looking through all 200 pages of bullshit. I would often look over and review her contracts before she finalizes them.

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