Our little secret

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Beyonce Knowles
March 13th 2017

"Onika we can't keep doing this." I frowned buttoning my shirt. What were doing was beyond wrong and could get us into a lot of trouble. I admired her semi naked body that glowed even in the darkest room.

"But I don't want to stop." I didnt want to stop either. Onika is my world. Just seeing her smile and being in her presence brightens my day.

"Neither do I baby but...." I started to explain but she cut me off.

"But nothing we're always careful." She spoke lowly holding my hands and placing kisses on each of them. I took a deep breath. She had a point.

"You know class starts soon baby you need to get dressed." She pouted as I rubbed her thighs. She currently sitting on my desk in just her panties.

"Button my shirt while I zip my skirt." She instructed me. I started buttoning her shirt from the bottom and worked my way to the top. I left a few buttons undone so I had something to look at during class. I placed kisses on her breast as she struggled with her zipper.

"Baby stop that and help me." She whined rubbing my forearm. I placed one last kiss on her breast before helping her zip her skirt.

"There you go mama's." I smiled patting her butt. She made a face at me before pecking my lips several times.

"Stop it before someone walks in." I giggled pulling away. She smiled wiping my lips of her lip gloss and walked to her seat. I winked at her as the rest of the class came in from lunch. They took their seats and waited for me to speak.

"Ok class. I want you to complete the 25 questions on the board and when you're done get started on your homework." I instructed. Onika had a little trouble in math but hopefully shes been paying attention at all of our private study sessions.

Onika Maraj
March 13th 2017

I was doing the work that ms. Knowles put on the board and surprisingly I was doing really good. Out the corner of my eye I see Rihmeek coming over to my desk. This nigga. Everyday he would shoot his shot with me and everyday he'd miss but he's persistent.

"Wassup dimples." He smiled leaning on my desk.

"What do you need? I'm trying to do my work Rihmeek." I said never looking at him

"Can you help me with problem 5?" He asked. This boy ain't even finish problem 1. He aint slick.

"Skip it and I.." I started to say but ms.Knowles cut me off. Shes a life saver.

"Rihmeek leave Onika alone. This is an individual assignment." Ms.Knowles said and I chuckled. Rihmeek frowned and went back to his seat. I was trying to finish my work when I heard some little bitches talking about my girl.

"Ms. Knowles got a fat ass. Watch this." Kevin whispered to Mikey. If only they knew how her ass looked in that blue thong she had on.

"Ms.Knowles can you come here please." Kevin yelled to her. I glared at him and clenched my pencil in my hand.

"Yes Kevin." She flashed a smile and tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Mikey and I were debating about the many ways you can slove this problem and I believe I'm right." He lied as the other boys looked at her ass. She slightly bent over to get a better view of the paper and I couldn't take them staring at my woman like she was some piece of meat.

"No Kevin, Mikey is right." She said standing up and crossing her arms. They were basically drooling over her. I needed to get out of here before I beat they ass. I got up and walked out of the class. As I was walking down the hall I heard ms. Knowles call for me.

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