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Ok ive had this idea for a long time. I want to make this into a mini series or maybe even a book so stay tuned.


"Hey my babies. Its just me today so you know what that means. Nicki just went to drop Zena off at my moms for the weekend so this is the perfect time to prank her. Ok so when she gets back I'm going to tell her I'm going to the store and before I leave I'm going to drop this condom on the floor I even got my best friend to text me and act like some side chick. Y'all pray for me you know she crazy." I spoke into the camera that I hid behind the tv.

"Babeeeeee." Nicki yelled. I ran and jumped on the bed before responding.

"I'm up here." I yelled back winking at the camera.

"I missed you." Nicki smiled walking over to the bed to peck my lips several times.

"I missed you too." I smiled while wrapping my arms around her small frame.

"Where you going?" Nicki asked noticing that i was fully dressed.

"To the store." I answered rubbing up and down Nickis side.

"Why didnt you tell me to go I was already out." I knew Nicki was going to be suspicious. It took everything in her not to laugh in her face. I couldnt break character.

"What if I wanted to surpise you with something?" I asked licking her lips.

"Mhm. Whatever Giselle bring me back some pineapples and strawberries." Nicki playfully rolled her eyes before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Alright." I kissed Nicki one last time distracting her while she slipped the condom out her pocket. Nicki finally pulled away shooing me toward the door.

"Woah skurrrrt." Nicki said making me stop in her tracks.

"What the fuck is this?" Nicki asked bending down to pick up the condom.

"Its a condom. What you doing with that?" I replied playing dumb.

"No the question is what are you doing with this. I'm not the one swinging a 10 inch dick around. So you fucking?" Nicki asked pointing her finger in my chest.

"Bro nobody." I said pushing her back and snatching the condom from her.

"Bro? Dont be snatching shit from me bitch." Nicki yelled smacking me upside my head. That shit hurt. Ol heavy handed ass midget.

"Aye chill the fuck out." I shouted putting the condom back in her pocket.

"Gimme your phone." Nicki demanded with her hand out.

"Nah you tripping. You on your period or somethin?" Nicki was past pissed.

"I'm about to be on criminal minds if you dont stop fucking playing." I chuckled. This girl is hilarious.

"I'm not giving you my phone." I shrugged. Nicki pushed my ass down and got my phone out my pocket. All this abuse.

"Baby don't forget the condoms this time." Nicki said reading my "text"

"When you gone leave Nicki so me you and Zena can be a family?"

"You had my daughter around some random? You must have lost your damn mind." Nicki yelled smacking me again.

"Ouch Nicki. What the fuck." I yelled getting up from the floor. Thats it these hits are getting a little hard.

"So we cheating now. Thats what we do. Ok...." Nicki said to herself as she went to the closet and started tossing out my clothes.

"Woah what you doing shorty." I asked walking into the closet. I tried grabbing Nickis arm to stop her but that wasnt such a good idea.

"Don't fucking touch me." She warned snatching away. I tried pulling her into hug and telling her it was just a prank but that didn't work.

"I SAID DONT TOUCH ME." She  screamed pointing a gun at my stomach.

"Woah baby baby baby stop its a prank. The camera is behind the Tv. Put the gun down." I yell panicking.

"Beyonce stop playing I will shot your ass." She said backing me up against a wall.

"Look." I said pointing at the camera. Nicki exhaled and put the gun on the dresser.

"You was going to shot me baby?" Beyonce asked grabbing Nickis hand pulling her into her embrace.

"No just make you pee a little." Nicki chuckled.

"I'm sorry princess. You know I would never cheat on you." I spoke truthfully.

"Mhm." Nicki rolled her eyes at her me before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist. Nicki planted a kiss on my lips while I slid my hands in her shorts. Things were getting so hot I almost forgot about the camera.

"Oh shit baby the camera." I laughed pulling away from her. She pecked my lips a few more times before jumping down and running over to the camera.

"Byeeeeeee mwah." Nicki smiled before shutting off the camera.


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