Step sisters

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Beyonce Knowles
April 19th 2017

"Nicki! Beyonce! Dinner is ready!" Dad yelled. I put my book down and headed downstairs. Nika came down shortly after I did. Onika and I are step sisters. I'm 19 and She's 18. My dad married her mom about 5 months ago. I was so happy to have a sibling closer to my age but she didnt feel the same way. Nika and I rarely talk to each other but when we did she was always super mean to me. Watch this.

"Hey Nika do you want to go shopping tomorrow?" Nika loves to shop but since I asked her to go she'll probably tell me no.

"Not with you giraffe." She said scrunching up her face. I sighed and continued to eat.

"Onika be nice." Her mom whispered flicking her ear. She rolled her eyes and took her plate upstairs to finish eating. The rest of dinner was fairly quiet like always. When I was done I but my plate in the sink and headed upstairs to finish my book.

Onika Maraj
April 19th 2017

"You need to give that girl a break." My friend Rihanna said through the phone. I rolled my eyes and stopped listening to what she was saying. Everyone was always standing up for her and it makes me sick. I can't stand that girl.

"Alright Rih ill think about it." I lied

"Alright babe talk to you later." She said before hanging up. I plugged my phone up for the night and turned on my tv watching reruns of bring it before going to sleep.

Beyonce Knowles
April 19th 2017

I was still up reading when it started thundering and lightning. I was terrified of storms. I closed my book and tried going to bed but I couldn't. I needed to sleep with someone. I ran quickly out of my room and across the hall.

"Nika." I whispered knocking on her bedroom door. Usually I would sleep with my dad but things have changed since he got married. I heard her tiny feet shuffle across the floor and unlock the door revealing a small portion of her face. The rest of her body was hiding behind the door.

"What?"she asked. Her voice low and husky. She rubbed her eyes a few times before running her fingers through her wild curly hair.

"Can I sleep with you? I'm scared." I said lowly playing with my fingers. I know she hates me but hopefully she'll be nice to me just this once.

"Girl if you don..." She started to deny my entry into the room but the sudden sound of thunder booming through the house made me jump into her arms. I held on to her body for dear life. I closed my eyes on the verge of tears. I finally gathered myself and pulled away from her naked body. Wait shes naked. I took a quick glimpse of her body and stood there awkwardly.

"Ill go put some clothes on." She said going to her dresser and putting on a large shirt to hide her beautiful body. She gets in her bed and motions me to join her. Slowly I make my way to the bed and get under the covers.

"Only this once understand?" She said fluffing her pillow.

"But its suppose to storm all week." I said.

"Tough tit." She said before turning over and resuming her slumber. I began to cry silently. The thought of sleeping alone during a storm was scary. I guess Nika heard my cries and wrapped her arms around me. For the first time I felt safe and protected in her presence.

"Thank you." I sniffled.

"It'll be alright." She whispered. I cant believe she's being nice to me. It was confronting to see this other side of her and I liked it. I've been wanting to ask her a serious question for a while and I think now is the perfect time.

"Nika have you ever been with a girl before?" I asked. She released her grip on my body and looked into my eyes.

"Yea why?" She asked.

"Some girls were talking about how good it felt." I responded looking down and playing with shirt.

"And...." She said forcing me to elaborate.

"And I wanna see if it feels good." Nika is beyond beautiful. When I first met her I fell in love with her beauty. I wasnt sure of my sexuality then and I'm not sure of it now but it cant hurt to try.

"I dont think you're ready for that." She said grabbing my face and forcing me to look into her big grey eyes

"Please just a little bit." I begged. I wanted my first experience to be with someone who actually cared and loved me. I know me and Nika dont always see eye to eye but I know she cares about me.

"Whoa you want me to do it?.....We're step sisters." She said a little surprised. There was silence.

"I'm sorry I asked." I felt so embarrassed. Now she's really going to hate me. I was getting ready to turn and face the wall when Nika grabbed my face and kissed me. Her lips were so smooth and soft. I placed my hands over hers and parted my lips allowing her access into my mouth. Her tongue ran across the roof of my mouth sending chills down my spine. She pulled away a looked me in my eyes.

"Don't make a sound." Her voice is now seductive as she sits on her knees and pulls the covers back. I don't know what to expect so I just watch. She crawls in between my legs and pulls my shorts down. Her hand rubbed against my pussy through my panties and a warm sensation traveled through my body. She removed my panties and used them to tie my hands above my head.

"Open your mouth." She instructed licking her lips. I did as I was told and she slipped two of her fingers in my mouth. I let them sit there because I didn't know what to do.

"Suck." Ohhhhh. I sucked her fingers making them nice and wet as she kissed down my collar bone and in between my breast. Her lips felt so good against my skin. She slides her now wet fingers out of my mouth and rubs my entrance. The foreign feeling feels nice.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask feeling a little bit of discomfort. I thought this was going to be a pleasurable experience. I readjust myself and watch her every move.

"Shhhh just relax." She whispers against my skin before placing soft kisses against my thighs and stomach. Her gentle gestures took my mind off of the small amount of pain that I encountered earlier.

"Mmm ok." I breathed out. I was so anxious.

"Don't be scared. Ill go slow." She reassured me. Her fingers were now knuckles deep inside me. Slowly she curled and twisted her fingers inside me. I rolled my hips against her fingers because thats what I seen girls do in porns. Her fingers brushed up against a sensitive spot inside me and my back arched. I seen her look up at me while chewing her lip. Shes so damn fine. Her free hand wrapped around my lower back as she placed hickeys down my stomach.

"Nika I......" I tried to speak but my words couldn't come out right. The amount of pressure was taking over my body and I didn't know what to do. I placed my hand over hers and tried to readjust myself.

"Relax baby girl I got you." Nika said with her voice full of lust. She pulled me closer to her and I could hear my juices coating her fingers. She slowly pulled her fingers out of me licking the tips of her fingers.

"Mmm my lil honey bee." She whispered before getting back to work. Her fingers picked up speed and sent my body into overdrive.

"Mmm nikaaaa." I moaned out. I've never moaned before. It sounded kinda sexy.

"Kiss me." I demanded. I wanted to feel her lips against mine. I wanted to taste myself on her tongue. Slowly she came up bringing her face only inches away from mine. I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her into me. Our lips collided and oh god did I taste good. I sucked on her lip while her fingers danced around inside me. I felt this tight sensation in my stomach causing my body to jerk forward. I wrapped my legs around her body. She caressed my thigh as a warm liquid oozed from my pussy. Damn that felt good.

"How'd I do Bey?" She asked sitting on her knees and licking her fingers like a popsicle.

"That was amazing but I want to see what that tongue do." I was curious

"Don't tell anyone about this." She said grabbing me by my thighs and shoving her face into my pussy. I could get use to this.



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