My Daily Routine

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1. Wake up
2. Go to school
3. Stress about BS classes
4. Go to a gay ass club
5. Ignore fucking everyone in Robotics while coding and waltz to Bashas (only available in my state).
6. Listen to a random ass (possibly highly obscure) metal band
7. Do homework while harassing friends who live at least 2 states away
8. (Possibly) Play some music (typically J A Z Z)
9. Listen to more metal while browsing Reddit for memes
10. Watch YouTube
11. Get hardly any sleep

1. Wake up and roll around for a good 2 hours
2. Drive to local iHop
3. Do homework
4. Stress about my future
5. Play video games until 1 or 2 am

Basically I'm a fucking weirdo who does not want to use Wattpad. If I obtain fedora in a year, do not be surprised.

And that pic are my greatest creation yet....

This is considering the fact that Ben Swolo is semi-relevant.

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