05: Axel Mendoza

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Sebby looks at us and smiles. "Oh I can see the headlines already. "Notorious teen couple Axel and Aliesa are back together!" Explanation mark,explanation mark, explanation mark." he laughs stepping out of the car.

He reaches for my hand and helps me out of the car. I smile walking down the red carpet hearing numerous gasps as Axel steps out of the car.

"Ali!" a voice screams I turn around slowly and see my copy cat cousin Sarah. She looked at my dress and compared the color to her's.

You can tell she grilled it out of my mother since it's almost the exact same color. I roll my eyes and force a smile in my face. "Sarah, you look amazing. We almost match." she smiles and nodes.

"So how is Gotham? Have you seen batman or Robin?" she jumps up and down holding my hand tightly.

"No, not yet." I smile before looking around. I glance towards the doors leading to the ballroom and see a familiar pair of emerald green eyes. "Would you excuse me Sarah, I'm going to go talk to a friend?" I walk away not waiting for an answer.

"Damian!" I grin before hugging him. "Glad you could make it."

The three men with him look at me curiously. "No problem Gold, since I'd rather not get hit with another shoe on Monday." I blush and bite the inside of my cheek.

"I told you that was an accident. You should've been more aware of your surroundings." I shrug smiling sheepishly.

"So, that's why your cheek was swollen the other day? That's a story I need to hear." I look over and see a tall young man with light blue eyes standing next to Damian.

I tilt my head to the left slightly and look between Damian and him for any similarities. "Sorry, but who are you?" he holds his right hand to his chest clearly offended.

"I'm Richard Grayson, but everyone calls me Dick." I snort lowly holding in my laughter. "Yea yea, laugh it up. I'm used to it."

"I'm sorry if my laughter was offensive. I've never heard of a Richard having Dick as their nickname." Smiling he looks over at Damian.

"So this is who you abandoned me for." I turn around and see Axel. Groaning I roll my eyes and turn back to the boys. "Ah come on Aliesa, don't be that way." he hugs me.

"Do me a favor and move the hell around, Axel." I say before pushing his arms away from me.

"Now that's no way to treat your boyfriend."

"We're not together Axel and the sooner you get that inside your head the better." I growl out before excusing my self and walking inside the venue.

I hear him laugh before running after me.

"I don't like him." Damian grumbled his brothers attention going back to him. They glance at Axel and smirk simultaneously.

Greeting the guests that my grandma invited for the party was the most annoying part. "So are you and Axel really planning on getting married in 7 years?" I mock in a high pitched voice and walk to one of dressing rooms behind the stage.

I see a piano and sit down laying my head down for awhile.

I sit up and press one of the keys. I continue messing around with the piano before finding a rhythm to play on. I go to the violin setting and add it. Pulling out my phone I go to the voice recorder and press start.

"No time for rest, no pillow for my head, no where to run from this, no way to forget." I close my eyes and continue playing.

"Around the shadows creep, like friend, they cover me
Just wanna lay me down and finally
Try to get some sleep" I press down on some keys harder than necessary.

"We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for" I imagine a pain that I can't understand.

"Meet me on the battlefield,
Even on the darkest night,
I will be your sword and shield, Your camouflage, and you will be mine" The melody is gentle and calm.

"Echoes of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall,
Everything could stay the same, Or we could change it all" I add a little beat drop to it and continue with the next verse.

"Meet me on the battlefield"

"We're standing face-to-face
With our own human race
We commit the sins again
And our sons and daughters pay" I picture my mother and father basically selling me off to the Mendoza family.

"Our tainted history
Is playing on repeat
But we could change it
If we stand up strong and take the lead" No way in hell am I marrying him.

"When I was younger, I was named, A generation unafraid
For the heirs to come, be brave" I'd rather eat nails, than be someone who sits and looks pretty while my husband does everything himself.

"And meet me on the battlefield, Even on the darkest night, I will be your sword and shield, Your camouflage, and you will be mine" My mother, is not someone I look up to.

"Echoes of the shots ring out,
We may be the first to fall,
Everything could stay the same,Or we could change it all" To worship the very breath her husband takes and see it as a blessing.

"Meet me on the battlefield"

"We carry on through the storm, Tired soldiers in this war, Remember what we're fighting for" To be at his beak and call whenever he wishes.

"Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, Your camouflage, and you will be mine" To the extent that you'd let scientific theorems impact your only child's life.

"Echoes of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall,
Everything could stay the same,Or we could change it all (We could change it all)" To force someone you think of as a brother to be your husband.

"Meet me on the battlefield"

"Meet me on the battlefield
(We could change it all)" To kill your own daughter for power.

"Your voice is beautiful." I turn around my eyes wide.

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